Have minimum/default amount automatically set to 1 instead of 0

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Have minimum/default amount automatically set to 1 instead of 0

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    I would like to have the default amount be changed to 1 instead of 0. Or just prevent users from being able to “Check out” without any amount selected.

    Currently when a user hits “check out” and the default value is set, which is 0, it still takes them to the cart page and says “Your cart is currently empty. Return To Shop” When the user clicks on “Return To Shop” it brings them to a “home page” and i’m unable to change that to the events page because its not in the woocommerce list.

    Regardless being able to change the default value to 1 would avoid this problem all together.
    Here is a video explaining: http://youtu.be/-oLspv2ri28



    Howdy Christina,

    That video is awesome. Couldn’t be more clear. I was just noticing the same problem not but an hour ago, and thinking that we should consider preventing submission if the amounts are all 0 to make things more user friendly. I will have to run that idea by the team and see if we could integrate it into a future version.

    Your preferred solution, wanting the amounts to default to 1, is totally doable. Have you create a theme override before? We have a guide if not. Specifically you would want to override /tribe-events/wootickets/tickets.php. On line 50 I believe you will find 'input_value' => 0,change that 0 to a 1 and you should be golden. There is one caveat worth mentioning though. If you ever sell multiple tickets to an event, like say a VIP and a regular one, they will both show up on this page and they will both default to one. If a user clicks register, they will have one ticket for each in their account. That is the reason why my preferred solution that I want to talk to the devs about would be simply prevent the person from clicking register if all of the amounts are 0.

    Please let me know if you have questions. If not, mind marking this resolved? Cheers!

    – Brook


    Perfect thank you! This worked great. Let me know if your other solution becomes available.


    Just wanted to let you know this has not fallen off my radar. At the moment it looks like we are going to go ahead with preventing empty submissions by disabling the add to cart button. The details are still in the works. Assuming this goes forward as planned you’ll be notified once it is ready for release. Thanks for the idea Christina!

    – Brook


    Hi there,

    I wanted to post here and update you. Although we weren’t able to get a fix for the issue your reported into our upcoming 3.9 release, it is still on our list to get corrected. Thank you for reporting the problem, and for your patience and support while we get a solid fix in place. We’ll update you when a solution is ready to go.


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