groupon and wooticket integration

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    hi – i run a tourism company and i am selling a groupon for my business. my groupon will require users to come onto my site and enter their groupon code so to book an applicable time slot with my company. groupon provides a list of unique codes – is there anyway to apply these in bulk to my wootickets/woocommerce platform?


    Make your own codes in woocommerce ( I suggest buying the smart coupons extension) and tell Groupon to use YOUR codes. Trust me, it’s better that way, and they can do it. I do it all the time.


    Hi, grafftours. Great question! 🙂

    This would be something that would be handled through the WooCommerce platform after your tickets are set up using WooCommerce Tickets. As such, the WooNinjas are probably best suited to answering your question.

    On the other hand, it sounds like Mike says that he’s got a way to make it work for him. (Thanks, Mike!) Do you think you could give that a go?


    Hi, grafftours. As it’s been a couple of weeks now, I’m going to close this thread. Please start a new topic if you’d like to pursue this further.

    Thanks for being a TEC user! 🙂

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