Google missing dtstart, hentry, hcalendar…142+ error messages in my code

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  • #1260448

    Hi, I am receiving error reports attached to my website from the Events Calendar
    – the first is 142 errors of missing dtstart (see image) or hcalendar – see image
    – the second is 142 error of missing author or hentry – see image
    – if I look at the test data in the code the error shows…see image (for hcalendar)
    – then there are also warning associated with this in the event section (see image)

    142 I believe is referring to the total number of events in the my events calendar database

    What is going on and how do I fix this ASAP??


    Hi Kim!

    Thanks for reaching out to us! I’m sorry you are having these issues.

    Those are problems related to how structured data for the events are showing to Google crawlers. You can find more information about this here >

    Seeing the screenshots you provided, some seem to only be warnings of data missing for some of the events. In this screenshot that event does not seem to have any contents in it, thus not printing that information in the structured data. Try adding content to that event and then running the testing tool.

    For the rest of the issues you can use a tool like this > to spot what data is missing or wrong.

    I see in another screenshot that the most common error is the author missing for many events, but when I take one of those events and test it with the tool I don’t get the author missing error. See here >

    Some errors could also be related to a theme conflict so I would try switching to a default theme like twentyfifteen, and then testing again the event/s and see if the error is still showing.

    Also, when coming back please share with us the links to the pages that have been reported to have errors so we can test them faster.





    Thank you for replying to my request. I will go through those links you
    sent, but will you please address this issue:

    The main problem that I wanted you to investigate is that Google found
    pages that we DO NOT have, otherwise I would have sent you the actual pages
    with errors. Its like the Events Calendar is “making up” URLS for the
    pages. On the reports I sent you screen shots of you can see the “made up”
    URLS for events that I did NOT create.

    For example: BB Annual test ONLY has ONE event July 10-15, 2017; yet on
    this report is shows that I have dates weekly and this is not a recurring
    event nor any event that I created. Where did google come up with these
    fake URLs that the Events Calendar created??? *Google is showing 131 of
    these links that I NEVER made nor is there even a page for them – pure 404
    errors created by the EVENTS CALENDAR*

    same thing is happening with the High Belt Test (which have only a couple
    ….how do I get rid of all this bogus data that Events Calendar has
    created in my database? I cannot find them, since I did not ever create them


    Hi Kim!

    Those URL’s are archive pages and are accesible to users by navigating the calendar in week view and using the Previous and Next Week navigation links at the bottom of the calendar.

    Take this URL as an example >

    That URL shows you the calendar in week view for the category testing and subcategory BLACK BELT TEST.

    So when google crawls your website, it finds those links and navigates those pages to index them.

    I’m mostly sure you can prevent google from indexing those pages. I found an intro to indexing here > and a few other links  here about blocking the access to your content >

    Also, I see you are using Yoast SEO plugin, so you could see if the plugin has any options to set for indexing pages. I found an article that may help here >

    I hope this helps in getting your indexing right.



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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