Google Hangouts video call link

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator Google Hangouts video call link

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  • #1474862
    Jeff Fulton

    I just installed Events Aggregator, and I’m getting a Google Hangouts link in the description for every event. How do I ignore/remove this?


    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    Does this text show up in the description section of your Edit Event page?  If so, can you remove it there?

    You can also try hiding it with some CSS.  You can try adding the following snippet to your WordPress Customizer or theme’s (or child theme’s) stylesheet:

    div.tribe-events-single-event-description.tribe-events-content {

    Let me know how that goes!




    Jeff Fulton

    I don’t want to hide ALL descriptions, so the CSS option won’t work. It seems Google is automatically adding the Hangouts text to all events, so does that mean I would have to go into every event and take it out?

    I paid bought this add-on because it seemed easy to use for my team. I need a simple fix for this issue.


    Hi Jeff,

    The addition of the Google Hangouts link is something that is added on Google Calendar’s end, not on our end.  I’m sorry that this functionality is causing trouble for you right now.  If you go into the Event Description, do you see the Hangout link there?

    Since the Google Hangout link is added to the events in Google Calendar, can you look at one of your events in Google Calendar to see if it is there?  If you see “Add Conferencing”, that is where the Google Hangout link is added.  You should be able to remove it there so that it does not get imported.

    Let me know if that helps!





    To the Modern Tribe team
    Came here by searching because I purchased agggregator on another account & I have a similar need

    As the aggregator is very specialized…
    It could be good to have a “string replace” feature during import (in the case above, it would be replaced by empty = term suppressed)
    Would be very useful to remove:
    – slang
    – advertisement
    – special text or link as above
    – unwanted HTML

    Wold be good to have a toggle choice to apply it to the title and/or the content

    … just my 2 cents suggestion



    Hi Fabrice,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    You can also add this idea to our Feature Requests, as we tend to implement ideas based on customer feedback, so your input is greatly appreciated:

    If you have any additional issues, please open up a new thread so that we can provide you with personalized support.




    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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