Google Console Error: Uncaught TypeError: output.insertAfter is not a function

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Google Console Error: Uncaught TypeError: output.insertAfter is not a function

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  • #1247171
    Kenneth P

    This URL: seeing the following error in Google Console, need this fixed asap thank you:


    Hi Kenneth, thanks for reaching out. I’ll be looking into your issue here and another reply is forthcoming, but before getting to that I just wanted to set your expectations about the pace of support here: Our support exchanges usually happen on the pace of one support reply every 24–48 hours during the work week.

    You can read more about the support process and what to expect from it here:

    Just wanted to be honest about things up frontβ€”stay tuned for more information on your actual issue! πŸ˜€

    β€” George


    Hey Kenneth,

    I took a look at your error and also out our plugin code.

    The code responsible for that “output.insertAfter” error does not come from any of our plugins. Do you know where this is coming from?

    If it’s coming from your theme, please contact your theme author promptly so they can assist with why their code is causing this error.

    If it’s coming from another plugin, please contact that plugin’s author promptly so they can assist with why their code is causing this error.

    If you’re not sure where it’s coming from, I’d recommend these steps:

    1. Do the complete set of troubleshooting steps on this page β†’

    2. After EACH STEP in that process, check back on the page, refresh the page, and see if the error comes up in the console again.

    Let us know what you find if you do these steps, or if you know already where that code comes from and contact the creators of that code.

    Please let me know if there are any other issues or questions I can try to help with!

    β€” George

    Kenneth P

    Hi George:

    That code is coming from Divi Theme Support they wrote a special script to display the Divi Full Width Slider on the /events page. I told them that their code appears invalid, that it is throwing an error in Chrome Dev Console; they stated that output.insertAfter is valid code. I will forward your comments to Divi Support Team for feedback, thank you George.


    Thanks for this info Kenneth.

    The use of the insertAfter jQuery function is not necessarily problematic, it’s just something about the specific way they’re implementing it. Perhaps they’re loading it too soon, before jQuery is loaded on the page? Or maybe they’ve not instantiated jQuery on the output variable…

    …in either case, it’s definitely something they should be able to help fix.

    Keep us posted if there are any other issues or questions we can try to help with. πŸ˜€

    β€” George

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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