Google Calendar Integration

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions Google Calendar Integration

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    I use ECP on a few of my clients websites, they are all schools. I have another opportunity to add it to one of my schools sites, but heres the issue.

    They use ‘Google Apps for Education’ so with that obviously comes with google calendars. Each class has its own calendar and then theres a main school calendar.

    What I need to know is can we use ‘events calendar pro’ with the google calendar so they don’t have to duplicate event entry. Basically can a google calendar populate events calendar pro?

    Look forward to hearing from you
    Many thanks



    We are working on releasing an iCal Importer so if you can export you calendar to that format you maybe to import it into the Events Calendar.

    I do not have a release date for that product, but it is coming soon as we are in the final testing.

    Otherwise we do not have a feature to sync events from Google Calendar to the Events Calendar.

    Let me know if you have any follow up questions.



    Since there is has not been any activity on this thread for over 2 weeks so I am now closing it. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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