GDPR: Google Maps

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  • #1547741
    Value Wordpress

    Thank you very much. A lot of that worked! πŸ™‚
    Just two more questions:
    How can I change the heading of the hightligthed boxes (“Value Investing Treffen in Hamburg”, Value Investing Treffen in Berlin, Value Investing Treffen in KΓΆln) and the colour of “Jetzt anmelden”
    Thank you!


    Titles of the featured events should be:

    #tribe-events-content.tribe-events-list .tribe-events-loop .tribe-event-featured [class*="-event-title"] a {
    color: red;

    For “Jetzt Anmelden”, the font color and the background color like this.

    .tribe-events-list .tribe-events-loop .tribe-event-featured .tribe-events-event-cost .tribe-button {
    color: red;
    background-color: green;

    Adjust / remove what is not needed. πŸ™‚



    Value Wordpress

    Thank you!
    Now two SEO questions came up. I could also start a new topic, but maybe this works here:
    – How can I disable the ical elements for Google? I am using the sistrix SEO tool and it shows the ical elements as a problem.
    – How can I improve the alt-attributes of the pictures of the events? Via WordPress media or is there another way?

    THank you!


    Hi Value WordPress,

    Would you mind breaking out further questions unrelated to the initial issue into a fresh topic? We try hard to stick to one problem or question per topic/thread: this helps us to ensure fair service for everyone and avoids confusion in a lot of cases.

    Thanks! (…I will go ahead and close this one out πŸ™‚ )

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