Frontend Attendee information

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  • #1094477

    Hi Guys,

    We’re currently testing the 4.1 updates on a separate server and we like a lot of it! Especially the global stock and the attendee information. The latter one was very frequently asked for by all our community members. We noticed the new function in the back-end and saw how it worked when buying a ticket. (The ability to give multipe names if a multitude of tickets are bought in 1 purchase)

    However, the community members who actually sell the tickets don’t have the possibility to opt in for these fieldsets in the frontend. Is this by design? Or are we overlooking the option? Is there a possiblity to let them choose from saved fieldsets?

    Hope this can be solved, or it would be a waste of such a nice new functionality 🙂


    Geoff B.

    Good evening Dirk and welcome back!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.
    I would love to help you with this topic.

    This is a great question.

    As far as I can tell, unfortunately it does not look like attendee information is supported in Community Tickets. At least not in a way that would let Front-End users create and manage such fields.

    If you don’t mind, I will investigate this a bit further with our Dev and Product team and report my findings.

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.

    Geoff B.

    Good evening Dirk,

    As promised, I followed up on this topic with Dev and our Product team.

    The short answer is that adding that feature to Community Tickets is in the plans, but unfortunately it is not yet available.

    Unfortunately, I cannot commit to a release date at this point. But stay tuned!

    I wish I had a better answer for you, but for now it’s the best one I have.

    Have a great day!

    Geoff B.


    Hi Geoff,

    Thanks for comming back to me about it. For now we’ll CSS hide everything about it to prevent confusion. Looking forward to frontend availability but can also do without it. 🙂

    We noticed some other stuff and minor bugs but will report it elsewhere in seperate posts.


    Geoff B.

    Good evening Dirk,

    Thank you so much for your understanding on this and for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. It does not go unnoticed and it’s really appreciated.

    You are welcome back on our support forums any time 🙂

    For now, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

    Geoff B.

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