Featured Image Not Displaying During Checkout

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Featured Image Not Displaying During Checkout

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  • #999634
    Heather Wood

    When I add a featured image to an event, I do not see that featured image repeated when someone checks out.

    1. someone finds a course/event (with featured image)
    2. Someone adds a ticket to their shopping cart.
    3. They go to checkout
    4. But the thumbnail is blank

    I assume because it’s calling woocommece now? Shouldn’t the woocommerce auto generated product be taking the “event” featured image too? Doesn’t look very nice like this. Is this a bug maybe?


    Hi Again,

    I can help out here.

    The featured image is not transfer over from what you select in the event ticket form to the ticket product itself.

    It is actually designed that way. (although this was created before I worked for Tribe so I do not have the reasoning)

    That image is for the ticket header.

    Although it is more work you can manually add a featured image to each ticket product.

    If you think that is something you would like as a feature I encourage you to visit our User Voice Page and either upvote an existing request or make a new request there.


    Let me know if you have any follow up questions.


    Heather Wood

    I would think that would be more of a necessity than a feature. If I set a featured image in my woocommerce tickets system, that featured image should display across the system. right?

    The only alternative I guess I’ll have to do is hide it for now. Thanks for the info!


    I am not sure how many of our customers think it is a necessity. I could not find a Uservoice for it.

    I can see it adding value in some cases, but since we prevent the standard product page from being seen I believe that maybe why we do not add on.

    And if you set a WooCommerce Featured Image across the system I would think it would show.

    Otherwise, I found this coding that might help it adds a featured image if none is added and it could be modified to add one for Products I believe:


    Since this is marked resolved I am going to close this ticket, but if you need anything else related to this topic or another please post a new topic on the forum and we can help you out.


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