Fatal error

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    hi, i´m getting this error:
    I´m getting this error when installing, please, how can I fix it, please!

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare events_list_load_widgets() (previously declared in /usr/home/fdmed.org/web/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/widget-list.class.php:106) in /usr/home/fdmed.org/web/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-premium/events-list-widget.class.php on line 113


    Hey Albert. Is it possible you have an earlier version of The Events Calendar/Events Calendar PRO installed? You’d need to deactivate that before turning on the 2.0.2 versions.


    hi Rob,
    i have deinstalled all the “events plugins” and their database tables…
    and install again The Events Calendar and then, Events Calendar PRO.
    but when I create a new event and place the calendar widget it breaks all the permalink url…

    i´m using ECP 2.0.2 and wp 3.3 on php 5.3



    Hey Albert. Thanks for confirming. Can you link me to an instance of what’s happening in your last note here? Not sure I understand what’s up.

    I will note two things preemptively though:

    1) We have some known issues with non-pretty permalinks breaking the plugin; if you aren’t using a pretty permalinks structure like /%postname%/, try turning that on to see if it fixes your issue.
    2) Sometimes fixing issues related to the permalinks is as simple as resaving your “Permalinks” page without making any changes to it. Probably worth a shot here regardless…

    Let me know about the above and we can keep looking into this for you.


    hi Rob,

    no… i tried it this morning, but nothing…
    i can´t check a event in the calendar plugin…



    hi! check right know: http://fdmed.org/ i have add a calendar widget on top! thanks!


    Hey Albert. Awesome! Looks like you got this nailed down; so I assume we’re all set? Let me know if not. Otherwise, feel free to report anything else that comes up going forward!


    🙁 no… if you clic on a date it does not work.
    please, yesterday I bought 3 licenses but the plugin did not work on any site …


    Hey Albert. Alright, your last post confused me – the upbeat attitude suggested we were clear here 🙂

    So I’m assuming that the posts like http://fdmed.org/semana-del-12-al-18-de-diciembre/ are supposed to be events, right? If so there’s definitely a permalinks issue here, because the URL for that event listing (which does yield an error page for me) is not compliant with the standard calendar URL structure.

    What does your Settings –> The Events Calendar page show as being the “events calendar slug”? Please also confirm that you’ve tried deactivating other plugins, and reverting to the 2011 theme as needed, to check whether this is a conflict with your theme or another plugin. Thanks!

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