Fatal Error: Call to Undefined Function for Google_Data_Markup

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    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_the_permalink() in /home/virtual/site6/fst/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/Google_Data_Markup.php on line 32


    Sorry, submitted that before I was ready. I am just starting to configure a calendar that will contain many recurring events and got this error on the first one I set up. We cannot upgrade our WP version due to some large custom theme issues, but I installed and tested the basic version of The Events Calendar on the site and it worked fine. Any help would be appreciated.



    Thanks for using our plugins. The fatal error is showing because that function ( get_the_permalink() ) was not added to WordPress until 3.9, which is the minimum requirement for the Events Calendar 3.9.1.

    You can try to add that function through your theme so you do not get the error, but there is nothing else we can provide to fix it if you cannot update WordPress to the latest version.

    Let me know if you have any follow up questions.



    Thanks. We are kind of handcuffed to the version of WP we are running (3.5.1) for the time being due to big issues when we did a test upgrade. Your product is the most compatible and best calendar we found. I will see what we can do in the theme. Is it possible there is another workaround?


    You can either change get_the_permalink in that file to get_permalink or I can provide you with a copy of the Events Calendar Pro 3.8 and you can use that version until you can update.

    Both The Events Calendar and the Events Calendar Pro will have to remain at 3.8.

    Let me know.



    Since I haven’t heard back from you here, I’m going to go ahead and close out this thread. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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