Facebook events doesn’t import event photo

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    Facebook events doesn’t import the event photo for me.
    Can you help?


    Hi Andrei – I’m sorry it isn’t working for you.

    Can you point me towards the Facebook URL for one of the events you’re having difficulties with?


    Sure, the facebook event is https://www.facebook.com/events/695152427225754/

    My site is http://arcemontes-tango.com/, and the event is the first event in the list.

    It is an event imported by pointing the page id in settings. Could it be because the event is written in Russian? 🙂

    except the photo, another strange issue with this event is that the title is bold text, except the first letter of the title. I’m using X theme, but I don’t think it’s a theme issue.


    Thanks for your patience 🙂

    I don’t think it’s necessarily because the event is in Russian, but for some reason there is some extra information at the end of the cover image URL and instead of ending with a typical image file extension like .jpg or .png we’ve got a different set of characters: that’s confusing WordPress, which is rejecting the image as not being an acceptable file type.

    Ultimately though this is something we should be able to A) address in a future release and B) can hopefully workaround in the interim with a short snippet:

    add_filter( 'tribe_fb_event_img', 'fb_import_image_ext_fix' );
    function fb_import_image_ext_fix( $event_picture ) {
    	if ( ! is_array( $event_picture ) ) return $event_picture;
    	if ( ! isset( $event_picture['url'] ) ) return $event_picture;
    	$length = strlen( $event_picture['url'] );
    	$query_starts = strpos( $event_picture['url'], '?' );
    	if ( false === $query_starts ) return $event_picture;
    	if ( $query_starts < $length && $query_starts > 0 )
    		$event_picture['url'] = substr( $event_picture['url'], 0, $query_starts );
    	return $event_picture;

    Can you try adding the above code to your theme’s functions.php file and see if that helps to resolve this?


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!


    Hi there,

    Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. We weren’t able to get to it for our upcoming 3.8 release, but it is still very much on the radar. We hope to have it fixed in an upcoming release, and we will do our best to keep you posted on our progress. Thanks for your patience and support!

    and the team at Modern Tribe



    I just wanted to update you here and let you know that we have a fix for the issue you reported in our upcoming release. Thank you for bringing it to our attention! Keep an eye out for an update coming soon. If you are still experiencing issues after the update, please start a new thread and we’d be happy to look into it. Thank you for your patience and support while we got this corrected.


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