Extra html on Month view

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    It looks like this on my screen: https://cloudup.com/c4vJdqDwy-E. The extra spaces I believe are coming from incorrect html output (Extra breaks and paragraph tags): https://cloudup.com/cEhgvHpGHy1. The problem only seems to be on the initial load of the month calendar: http://lancasterinterchurchpeacewitness.sweetcore.net/events/. When click on the next and previous months, it goes away. I assume that’s due to ajax pulling in the proper format.

    I’m running the same theme and plugins on my development computer and everything is good. I can’t figure out what’s different between my local computer and the production website. The website is hosted on WP Engine. Any ideas?


    Thanks for getting in touch and sorry to hear you’re having trouble here, but hopefully I can help. Could you try testing for conflicts and let me know what you discover? I suspect that this might be an issue related to your theme or a plugin conflict with something you have installed on the server, but want to confirm before troubleshooting further.

    Thanks! 🙂



    Like I said, I’m running an identical copy of plugins and theme on my locally computer. The issue is not happening there. And yes if I switch to a basic theme the issue goes away. I still want to resolve this issue with this particular theme.


    After spending some time with this theme I was able to resolve my issues. In case anyone runs into a similar situation, here is my solution.

    In the parent theme, this was the problem code: https://cloudup.com/csfNZcqWP5s. I was able to set things right in my child theme with the following code added to the functions.php file: https://cloudup.com/c-Ir7z6ilBf. Hope that helps someone out there.


    I noticed that you marked this as resolved. Were you able to figure out the issue here, or do you need further help? Thanks! 🙂



    Excellent! Thanks for confirming that this got you sorted. Since it looks like you’re all set, I’m going to mark this thread “Answered” and close it out.

    By the way, if you have a minute or two, we would love it if you’d write a few words for us here: http://m.tri.be/lo

    Thanks in advance. 🙂


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