External events only

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    I would like to setup my calendar to only point to external events. So when you are in month view and you click in an event you don’t go to the event page you go to another URL.

    Can this be done?


    Yes, I’m sure it can be done 🙂

    I’m afraid it’s rather beyond the scope of support to guide you through this, but in broad terms you might set up an additional field to hold the URL and then override and customize the month view – replacing the links as appropriate.

    If you have any specific questions/stumbling blocks do let us know and we’ll try to point you in the right direction – but you’d largely need to devise any solution by yourself.



    I was thinking of adding a custom field to the event that would have a redirect url, then just load up the single event and redirect.

    The issue we’re having is that custom fields don’t seem to be copying data when the event is recurring. Is there anyway to update my custom field data to all of the same recurring event?


    Can you give an example of how you are interacting with the custom field?

    Recurring events all share the same post ID so if you set up post meta data it will (/should) be common to all of them. Are you talking here of an “additional field” in the Events Calendar PRO meaning of the term or WordPress post meta fields?

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