export from another Event Calendar

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    Is there an easy way short of ICS to import from one Tribe Events Calendar to another? and can I schedule these or ICS?


    Hello 🙂

    You could grab the .ics link from site A and set up a scheduled import on site B. You could use this snippet to import events by the year rather than month (calendar view) or whatever events appear on the List view at the time of export.

    • https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/managing-your-scheduled-imports-in-event-aggregator/
    • https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/using-wordpress-export-tools-to-migrate-events-content/

    Let me know how it works out! Cheers 🙂


    Two things: There is no point in Grabbing the ICS file ONCE and then setting up a schedule. There is no option to setup a schedule of ICS files. This sounds like it may be a feature request if possible?
    I just wondered if it were possible to setup an export / import from one Events Calendar to another. Seems like if we can do it from Facebook we could do it from one Events Calendar to another, if the exporting site permits it.

    And I am not at all clear on how the Snippet would work or where it would go. Thanks!


    Hi and welcome back,

    I recall discussions of a feature report aimed to improve the ease of importing events from sites using TEC and located the report, so I’ve included this thread which helps increase attention on the matter. Luckily, it’s marked as ‘Pending Release’ which means it should available any day now!

    If you add the snippet to the bottom of your theme’s functions.php file (on site A), then visit Events > Imports > New Import (on site B) and use the following import rules, you should be able to set up a scheduled import event from site A to B:

    Import Origin: iCalendar
    Import Type: Scheduled Import (fill in as you need)
    URL: http(s)://sitea.com/events/?ical=1&year-feed

    Hit the “Preview” button and you should be good to go. Let me know how it works out and we’ll update you here once that new feature is available. Cheers!


    Thanks Hunter. Good News! I may wait for the fix if it is coming. I have plenty of other things to do in the meantime!


    Lol! I know how that goes. Best of luck with your other tasks and thanks again for the patience 🙂



    I just wanted to drop by and add a little more clarity in case it helps you or other users reading through this topic.

    You can indeed import from one calendar to another (via Event Aggregator) and you don’t necessarily need to wait on new features rolling out to do so. As an example, if you setup an iCalendar import and use a source URL like this one (which I grabbed from our demo site):


    You can effectively pull in event data and tell Event Aggregator to continually check on and pull in any new events on a daily or weekly basis (or some other time interval).

    I may wait for the fix if it is coming.

    I do want to be clear that this is not a fix, as such, as there was no bug to address here — rather it’s a completely new feature that will allow Event Aggregator license holders to import from other sites running The Events Calendar with a richness and level of detail that isn’t currently possible when using iCal-based imports.

    In any case, as Hunter noted we’ll do our best to drop an update in here once that is available 🙂

    Dustin Slightham


    I was looking at your ical link and I noticed that it only exports the current month of events. Is there no way to export all past or future events from EC Pro? It seems very useless to only be able to export 1 month at a time for importing purposes. Am I missing how ical files work?


    Hi Joshua,

    Let’s say your main events list (as opposed to month view) is accessible at example.com/events/list – you can then access that list in iCal format via example.com/events/list/?ical=1.

    Now, if you want to increase the number of events that are exported, you can add the following snippet to a custom plugin or even to your theme’s functions.php file if that’s an approach you like to use:

    add_filter( 'tribe_ical_feed_posts_per_page', function() {
    	return 1000;
    } );

    With that in place, the feed ought to contain up to 1,000 entries. I recommend using this with care, though, as building such a large data set may prove taxing when run within some hosting environments (hence the need to explicitly enable this).

    If you have any further questions on this definitely let us know – but it would be appreciated if you could do so from a new thread of your own 🙂



    Hi there!

    Just wanted to share with you that a new Feature Release 4.5 of The Events Calendar is out and includes Full Imports Between The Events Calendar Sites.

    To know more about the “Other URL” import errors → https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/url-import-errors-event-aggregator/

    And, to find out more about the release → https://theeventscalendar.com/release-the-events-calendar-4-5/

    We hope you enjoy the new feature! Feel free to open up a new thread if you need help with it.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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