Events Pagination Issue

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  • #94795

    I’m trying to get WP PageNavi plugin working with Tribe events. I followed your tutorial here: and it’s not working. Basically when I click on any of the pagination links it takes me to an empty events list page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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    Howdy 336creative,

    Thank you for the link. Unfortunately with issues like this there are a million things that could be causing an empty result set. In order to diagnose this you will probably need to thoroughly examine the $wp_query and maybe also $post_object to find what is causing the problem. If you have a proper debugger/IDE setup like x-debug & PHP Storm then I would insert  a break after the line you suspect to be offending. If you are limping along without a debugger, then personally I would throw something like
    echo '<pre>';var_dump($wp_query);echo '</pre>';

    If this is all Greek to you then you will likely need to hire a developer to accomplish this task. Unfortunately what are you trying to accomplish is no easy task, and there is no single tutorial that can walk you all the way through it. If you do want to hire someone feel free to contact [email protected] and ask that department for some recommendations. We keep a list of developers who have proven they know all of the necessary APIs.

    Does that answer your question? Is there anything more I can clarify? Thanks for posting!

    – Brook


    Thanks for the help. Figured that since you had documentation of exactly what I’m trying to do that you would have some more insight. Oh well, we’ll give it a shot.


    I understand that. If nothing goes wrong the tutorial can be easy enough to follow, but when something does go wrong (which is not too uncommon) then you will have to start running through debugging techniques to figure out what. Since there are myriad of things that could cause the hiccup, we can not cover debugging in a step-by-step tutorial.

    Thanks for posting, I am glad you did. I wish something about your scenario stood out to me so that I could point out a likely cause.

    – Brook

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