Events not showing

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  • #33121

    Right now, just as in this thread, I’d recommend running through the basic troubleshooting steps:

    • Ensure your Modern Tribe plugins are up to date and in synch (if you are using The Events Calendar 2.0.11 ensure Events Calendar PRO is also 2.0.11)
    • Deactivate all other plugins
    • Switch to a default and unmodified theme such as Twenty Eleven or Twenty Twelve
    • Now test and see if the same problem still exists. If it resolves the issue, reactivate everything one-at-a-time, testing at each stage to see if it returns – taking note of whatever component seems to cause the problem to return



    I would appreciate a more prompt response to the questions raised.
    I did follow the steps and the events showed up, but so…? I cannot run my site without the other plugins and everything else works fine among ALL of the other plugins.
    This one seems to have a hitch at every turn.
    I just do not have the time and energy to keep switching themes, templates, plugins and so on, just to make one plugin work, and it does so ONLY in those conditions… as opposed to the rest of the templates and plugins that work seamlessly in any conditions.

    Thank you


    Hi Eugen,

    I appreciate that you are frustrated but there unfortunately are not too many other tools at our disposal short of directly accessing and debugging your site, which we prefer not to do for a number of reasons.

    Although it can be inconvenient to run through these steps it shouldn’t take too long and can quickly identify another plugin/theme code that is causing a problem. Once we have that information we can then investigate solutions.

    I did follow the steps and the events showed up, but so…?

    Great, so now we know that our plugins are functional within your hosting environment and that suggests there is indeed a conflict.

    Can I ask you to complete the steps and reactivate everything one-at-a-time until the problem returns (possibly it may not return) … remembering to take note of whatever component – either a plugin or your theme – you reactivated last when the issue resurfaced.

    We can then look at that element and see what we can do to help 🙂


    I deactivate all the plugins and only left the two event calendar ones.
    The list view looks still a bit messed up
    Here you have two screenshots:

    What are your thoughts?

    Thank you


    Is the original problem – only two events in the calendar – still a problem when those plugins are deactivated?

    If that solves the problem then I’m sure we can tidy up the layout of the pages quite easily.


    With all plugins deactivated, then all the events are showing up.


    OK, can you reactivate those plugins one-at-a-time? It might be that only one is causing the conflict that stops the events from showing.


    With all plugins deactivated, then all the events are showing up, BUT, as you can seee from the previous screenshots I posted, it still looks messed up.


    OK, and if you reactivate each plugin one at a time? Perhaps you’ll find that the conflict is with just one or two of them?


    Hey Barry
    Lets first make the calendar show properly both as list view as well as calendar and then we can focus on events showing up. Otherwise its just gonna get more and more messy.

    Thank you



    We’ve currently got 2 threads open – that’s not a problem because they both concern slightly different issues.

    But since we are also addressing the appearance of the calendar in this thread, let’s confine ourselves to updating that one for the time being to avoid any confusion.

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