events in rss feed

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    hello, i added my events to the wordpress rss feed and added the starting date instead of the publishing date to the feed according the manual provided here . and that works fine.

    one problem occures anyway, the starting time in the rss feed is 2 hours later (and therefore not correct) than it appears in the calendar.

    have a look here
    and here

    in the wordpress settings i have selected the timetone utc +2 – a change of the timezone has no effect on the problem.

    so hopefully you are able to help me with this problem.


    Thanks for getting in touch! Were you able to resolve this issue? I’m currently seeing the correct start time on the Ufotopia event (listing page & date on the feed). Just let me know if there’s another event you were referring to specifically. Thanks! 🙂



    no, sorry i have not been able to solve the problem. the first event in the list (Tagung »G’lernt is g’lernt«) for example starts in the feed-list at 12:00 and in the calendar-view at 10:00. same withe the second event (Obdachlosigkeit begegnen).

    looking forward that you are able to help me.


    I think the reason that this event isn’t displaying is because the RSS feeds are ordering the events by published date, and not by start date. Is the publish date of that event older than the rest?


    thank you for your response,
    my problem is not that the events do not show up in the right order or are not displayed at all – they are in the right order.

    the problem is, that in the feed the starting time for each event is two hours later than in the calendar. so an event with the starting time 10:00 in the calendar shows up in the feed withe the starting time 12:00.

    i hope i was able to clearify the problem, best regards.


    Unfortunately, I’m not seeing that on my end. The ‘Think Global’ event is displaying at 10:00 on the front-end (screenshot) and displaying at 10:00 in the feed (screenshot). Can you verify?

    EDIT: Looks like I spoke too soon. I’m seeing that it’s displaying as June 26th on the front-end, but June 27th in the feed. Let me keep investigating.


    I should have had you perform these troubleshooting steps right off the bat, but could you test for conflicts and let me know if that affects the results in your feed at all? Thanks! 🙂



    I just wanted to follow up and see if you’re all set here or if you still have further questions. Just let me know if you have further questions or if I should go ahead and close out this thread. Thanks! 🙂



    Since I haven’t heard back from you here, I’m going to go ahead and close out this thread. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂


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