Events homepage showing individual event titles

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  • #28041

    Hello. We recently purchased your PRO plugin for use on a new restaurant website. It all seems to be working smoothly save this quirky issue where an individual event title “Taco Tuesday” is showing across the events homepage, rather then the desired “Calendar of Events”. Can you offer any direction to resolve? Thanks for the help.


    Hi Josh,

    Please see this FAQ on the topic:



    So I’m using the Full-width page template with my theme. When I switch to default template for the Events Calendar, the correct title shows up, but the calendar width exceeds the site standard of 960 pixels. If it’s simpler to affect the default template page width vs affect the page title I’m game. Otherwise, the reference above only addresses the case when using your default template and not another option. Any guidance here will be appreciated. J


    Hi Josh,

    The above references both using the Default Events Template or Default Page Template which would the latter would also include any other theme page templates. So, if you’re using the Full Width template in your theme, follow the instructions for finding where the_title() is called in your theme and modify the code accordingly.

    I hope that helps.

    – Jonah


    This solution did not work for me. Am using Default Event Template and have added the following to my functions.php:

    // Event Calendar Page Title Removal from Calendar View

    add_filter(‘tribe_get_events_title’, ‘my_get_events_title’);
    function my_get_events_title($title) {
    if( tribe_is_month() && !is_tax() ) { // The Main Calendar Page
    return ”;
    } elseif( tribe_is_month() && is_tax() ) { // Calendar Category Pages
    return ”;
    } elseif( tribe_is_event() && !tribe_is_day() && !is_single() ) { // The Main Events List
    return ”;
    } elseif( tribe_is_event() && is_single() ) { // Single Events
    return ”;
    } elseif( tribe_is_day() ) { // Single Event Days
    return ‘Events for – ‘ . tribe_get_start_date(false, false, ‘F, Y’);
    } elseif( tribe_is_venue() ) { // Single Venues
    return $title;
    } else {
    return $title;

    No changes are made whatsover. Title still appears on calendar and event list and single event.


    Any suggestions?


    There is another section in my functions.php which addresses titles – should I incorporate a change here somehow?

    I have tried your solution with TwentyEleven and it works, so it must be somewhere in my template:

    // Outputs the page title and breadcrumbs before a template page
    function theme_page_title() {
    if (!is_front_page()) {
    global $post;
    echo ”;
    if (core_options_get(‘titles’) == true){
    if (is_category())
    echo ”,single_cat_title( ”, false ), ”;
    elseif (is_archive() && is_day() )
    printf( __( ‘Daily Archives: %s’, ‘themedutch’ ), get_the_date() . ” );
    elseif (is_archive() && is_month() )
    printf( __( ‘Monthly Archives: %s’, ‘themedutch’ ), get_the_date( _x( ‘F Y’, ‘monthly archives date format’, ‘themedutch’ ) ) . ” );
    elseif (is_archive() && is_year() )
    printf( __( ‘Yearly Archives: %s’, ‘themedutch’ ), get_the_date( _x( ‘Y’, ‘yearly archives date format’, ‘themedutch’ ) ) . ” );
    elseif (is_tag() )
    printf( __( ‘Showing posts with tag: %s’, ‘themedutch’ ), single_term_title(“”, false) . ” );
    elseif (is_search() )
    printf( __( ‘Search Results: %s’, ‘themedutch’ ) , ‘”‘ . get_search_query() . ‘”‘ . ” );
    else {
    if ( ! core_is_buddypress_pages() ){
    echo ”, get_the_title($post->ID), ”;

    if (core_options_get(‘breadcrumbs’) == true) {
    echo ”;

    if( ! core_is_buddypress_pages() )
    core_breadcrumbs(‘ \ ‘, __(‘You are here:’, THEME_SLUG));

    echo ”;
    echo ”;

    add_action(‘core_before_template’, ‘theme_page_title’);

    Thanks for helping,


    Hi Louise,

    Yes, if you have a function in your theme that is controlling page titles, you’ll need to incorporate the specific conditional code for events related pages in your theme’s code and modify as necessary. I hope that helps!

    – Jonah


    Hi Jonah. I’ve been unable to find a resolution to this issue as I described above. I’ve communicated with my theme developer who suggests the best course of action is making any changes to my function.php file.

    /*comments below*/
    If you must change the the_title() the best way is use the add_filter (the_title. ..) This can be used in the function.php file and you won’t have to change templates.

    An Example

    add_filter(‘the_title’, ‘your_new_title’, 10);

    function new_title($title, $id) {
    global $post;

    if ( Post type is something ):
    do something to the $title
    $title = $title;
    return $title;
    return $title;


    /*end theme devs comments*/

    I’ve located two template files with references to the_title() (single.php & loop.php). Any chance for some further guidance on a solution from here?


    Hi Louise,

    So with your above code, you would place that in your theme’s functions.php file and add the following to affect the events related pages:

    Does that help?

    – Jonah


    I would also like to alter the current page title on m calendar page but I find the solutions presented here to be confusing. Is it possible for you to break it down in simple steps once again?


    Hi Tom,

    We broke it down pretty well in our FAQ here:

    Can you provide some details on the issues you are running into?



    Hi Jonah. I copied the code as suggested for the default events page in my functions.php file and it blew my site offline with some line of error code — and nothing more! I’m afraid to risk it again (even in order to get the line of code for you), but perhaps you could look at my site and tell me what you think I need to do to keep the individual event title from appearing on the events home page. I know it must be the template because I use Events Calendar Pro on another site and it works perfectly. Here’s the one having trouble:

    Thank you!


    Oh, I also meant to add that, although I’ve selected the default events page template in the settings for the calendar, the page it shows contains the light grey horizontal and vertical rules that are used to delineate the page’s title and sidebar areas. You can see them (lightly visible) on the events calendar home page. So if the default events page template is selected, perhaps knowing that it’s pulling elements from the page template might help to solve the problem?


    And, lastly, the events home page has kicked off the copyright text at the bottom of the page. I’m not able to add a slider or a footer to the page, either. 🙁


    Hi Laura,

    Can you paste your functions.php file to so I can take a look at why you are getting an error?

    As for the other things, these are CSS/theming issues you will need to work out on your own or hire someone to help you.

    I hope that helps,

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