Events coming up as free

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    Hey folks! I’m Rob, and I head up the support team here at Modern Tribe. I’ve been monitoring this thread since Josh brought it to my attention a few days ago, and since the last reply here seems to suggest some disappointment, I wanted to jump in to clear up a few things. Before I do I want to both thank you all for helping us identify the problem at hand here and to apologize for the frustration some of you have faced.

    It looks like for the most part, the core issue here is resolved: as Josh notes this is an issue that we’ve now got patched and awaiting to ship in our forthcoming maintenance release, which has passed QA and should be shipping any day now. Bluebeesocial, thanks to you in particular for opening this thread in the first place and working with us as we nailed down specifics. I’m optimistic that the release we’re about to ship will address this for you and a couple of the other voices in this thread who have noted they are facing the same problem.

    To those other users who chimed into the thread here: you guys are awesome for spotting this thread and sharing your perspectives. To help serve you in the best way possible, though, I’d like to request that in the future you open up separate threads for your individual concerns. We request this for a couple of reasons: the first being, a lot of times a problem will appear to be the same at face value…but when we dig into it, we’re actually seeing two problems manifesting themselves in ways that look similar. It can take quite a bit longer to get someone’s issue sorted when we’re trying to solve two problems in the same thread. We want to get you replies as quickly as possible — and one of the paths we use to do that is through requesting that everyone open their own thread when they have a problem/concern.

    Bennie, regarding the concern you noted: it’s clear we failed to properly set your expectations here, for which I want to apologize on behalf of the whole team. We tried to be quite transparent about the fact that we were slowing down here on the forums over the holidays — we had a big sticky alert across the top of the site, and announced it on our social accounts as well. But based on the fact that you were on here asking for updates that never came during that window makes it clear to me that we didn’t do enough to get the message across to the entire community. I apologize for that and would welcome any ideas on how we could have been more meaningfully transparent about this fact.

    I do think it is a bit misleading to suggest that Josh isn’t taking the thread seriously, or that we “take weeks” to resolve issues. On the former, it’s pretty clear to me after reviewing the thread and seeing the amount of time Josh has spent trying to sort this issue with care and empathy that he takes it as seriously as we do any support request; with regards to the latter, we work hard to get replies to all threads within 24-48 hours except during our annual holiday slowdown. If you’ve experienced differently please do let me know so I can review the circumstances and help my team improve for the future.

    The release cycle is such that we need to make sure all work is properly tested before it goes out: while we certainly could have shipped this patch a week ago, it would have gone out with a number of other bugs we felt needed to get patched. When someone on our team references a launch “the first week of January” that is a target, not a guarantee or promise. Unfortunately things can change often enough in the development world that what looks like a fine target one day can be delayed significantly the next. The good news is that we’re in the clear now and, as I noted above, the release should be shipping very shortly. (I’m expecting by the end of this week). If that isn’t an aggressive enough timetable for you — or if you simply have lost faith in our codebase and support infrastructure — know that we’d be happy to offer you a refund. While it’d suck to lose you as a customer, ultimately I’m more concerned about doing right by you, even if it means parting ways and directing you to a competitor. Let me know if you’d prefer to go that route.

    Thanks to everyone for their feedback and thoughts. I hope the above sheds some light on where we’re coming from and how our processes work. If anyone has ideas for how we could improve or would like to continue this discussion elsewhere, I’d love to hear it and can be reached directly by emailing [email protected]. Otherwise please do let us know if the forthcoming maintenance release gets you where you want to be!


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    Hey Everyone,

    Our maintenance update has been released and this particular issue has been addressed! After updating, be sure to remove any changes made to your stylesheet or functions.php file related to the temporary fix for this issue.

    I’ll go ahead and close this ticket now. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate in opening a new one.


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