Events Calendar Pro Month 3.4 Not Switching – AJAX related?

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  • #110197

    I’ve recently upgraded The Events Calendar plugin to Events Calendar Pro and the next/prev month links no longer works. The ajax appears to run, but the month/dates do not change, just the friendly URL. If I manually go to a different month the proper page loads, but when I try to go to the next/prev month it jumps back to the current month (February).

    I’ve tried disabling plugins to no avail. I’ve noticed others have had similar issues and there used to be an option to disable AJAX for live refresh, but that is no longer an option. Disabling the datepicker AJAX option also does not work.

    Here is the url:


    Hi, adventureweb. Great question! 🙂

    This behavior is commonly caused by a dependency that we introduced in 3.4. Basically, your theme is missing body_class(). So, typically in your theme’s header.php template, the tag


    needs to become

    <body <?php body_class() ?>>

    Then, your site should work just fine with 3.4. 🙂

    Please give that a go and let us know how it works for you. Thanks!


    That worked perfectly. Thank you. I was using a custom php statement for the body classes/id of this site.


    That’s great news, adventureweb. I’m very glad there was an easy solution for you! 🙂

    By the way, if you have a minute or two, we will love it if you would write a few words for us here:

    Thanks in advance. 🙂


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