eventDisplay=upcoming doesn't seem to factor in the time

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  • #20720

    using tribe_get_events:

    $upcoming_events = tribe_get_events( array(
    'eventDisplay' => 'upcoming',
    'posts_per_page' => -1

    Supposing the current time is 11:00am, and an event ends today at 9:00am, in theory that event is a past event, correct?

    On my theme with TECP it doesn’t seem to be factoring in the time. I.E. Any event with any date greater than or equal to today’s date shows up, regardless of the end time (H:i)

    Is it my theme or is the plugin coded that way intentionally?

    Thank you!


    Hey Jesse. Good catch. While the plugin isn’t intentionally built that way, it is the way it’s coded. We have had a few users bringing up this point recently and it was more an oversight on our end than anything – but we’ve got it in the works for July’s maintenance release (2.0.8) which should be out in about 2 weeks.

    Apologies for the inconvenience in the interim, though. Let me know what else I can do or if you have other questions.

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