Event types & bidirectional links

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Event types & bidirectional links

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Michael Stenitzer.
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  • #1264017
    Michael Stenitzer


    let me describe quickly our use case:
    we have 7 different types (or categories?) of events. They all have some common fields (some of them will be custom fields) but each has also its own specific custom fields. Our main consideration is how we could implement the admin view for these:

    • Can we just use the cpt already provided by the plugin and change the admin view structure/fields based on the event category ?
    • Shall & can we clone the ‘tribe_events’ CPT to create 7 separate cpt based on this ?

    Also, can we create bidirectional links among events ? Lets say, a group of url fields which are used to to select other events and link each other. Everytime a url with an event path is filled out, a url field should automatically be created and filled out on the linked event too.

    We would really appreciate your advice and thoughts on these questions.


    Hi Micheal,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    Custom development is typically beyond the scope of support we provide here, but I’d be happy to bounce a few ideas around with you 🙂

    Can we just use the cpt already provided by the plugin and change the admin view structure/fields based on the event category ?

    On the basis that they are all events and you presumably want them to appear in the various calendar views, this seems like the path of least resistance to me.

    I’m not sure how you visualize this, but if you want to inject new user interface elements into the main event details meta box you can use hooks such as tribe_events_details_bottom for that purpose.

    Also, can we create bidirectional links among events ? Lets say, a group of url fields which are used to to select other events and link each other. Everytime a url with an event path is filled out, a url field should automatically be created and filled out on the linked event too.

    If I understand you correctly, that definitely seems possible. Before you reinvent the wheel, though, have you checked out Posts 2 Posts? It is a well established plugin that provides the plumbing for just this sort of task – might be worth evaluating in the context of your project.

    I hope that helps!

    Michael Stenitzer

    Hello Barry,

    If I understand you correctly, that definitely seems possible. Before you reinvent the wheel, though, have you checked out Posts 2 Posts? It is a well established plugin that provides the plumbing for just this sort of task – might be worth evaluating in the context of your project.

    well, this plugin is not maintained anymore. Besides that, it doesn’t seem to work properly with the latest version of wp. Any other suggestions ? 🙂

    Thank you!


    I’m afraid not, as a custom dev task it’s really something we’d need to leave in your hands.

    Good luck!

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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