Event Titles white (not linked) on list and calendar view

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  • #195067

    Originally I thought the titles were missing in both of the views, but I realized the titles are actually there (but they’re in white font which makes them look like they’re missing) and they’re not linked. I’ve looked through the forums and have found three related questions “missing title” all from several months ago, and two contradicted each other. Let me know if y’all can help, please! Thanks a bunch!


    Howdy tiggytom,

    In the site you linked I am unable to find our calendar plugin, so I can not diagnose this further. 🙁

    However, the issue you described sounds like a theme conflict. Have you tried switching themes? Does the issue persist? Usually, you will see that the titles reappear. This means that your theme is simply making them white for whatever reason. You will need to add some custom CSS to override your theme’s white title.

    Does that make sense? Please let me know. Cheers!

    – Brook


    Since this topic has not been active for a while I am going to archive it. If you do need anything else though, please feel free to open a new topic. Cheers!

    – Brook

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