Event Tickets Pricing Area with Inventory Amounts…

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Event Tickets Pricing Area with Inventory Amounts…

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  • #1082974


    Great Plugin…!
    All is working perfectly…
    But we want to able to show the Number of Tickets remaining for each price point…
    Now it shows # of Tickets, Ticket Description and Price per Ticket.
    We would like to show the Number of Tickets remaining after the Ticket’s Description…

    I hope this is possible and look forward to your reply with advice on how to accomplish this…!
    Many thanx…!!


    Hi @inspire99,

    Thank you for reaching out!

    Unfortunately, what you are trying to do is only possible with some code customizations 🙁 We cannot help with code customizations, but I’m happy to help as much as possible regardless!

    To be clear, do you mean that basically, this is how tickets currently display on your site:

    And so your ideal design would be that the “Quantity” selection on the left is over on the right next to the price? So that the left-most column is the description?

    Thank you,


    Hi George…!

    Very close… i would like the display to look like the below screenshot…

    (hope the screenshot comes thru)

    Can this be done… If custom, can you offer a quote…?
    Many thanx..!!


    Hey @Inspire99,

    Thanks for the screenshot.

    What you are trying to do here can technically be done, but unfortunately this would require modifying the template file in Event Tickets Plus which lives at this file location:


    You would have to rearrange the HTML there to suit your needs. If you are interested in doing this, I would recommend reading this customization guide for some insight on doing this → https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/themers-guide/

    You can tinker around with that yourself, or if you would like, you can hire someone to make these customizations for you. We unfortunately are not available for any customizations, but we have a list of great developers here → http://m.tri.be/18k1 (and have no affiliation with any of these folks–they’re simply some well-respected names in the community that we’ve compiled to share in situations like this one).

    I hope this information helps!



    Thank you very much for the insight and information…!!
    I really appreciate it…


    No problem! Best of luck with your project 🙂

    — George

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