Event tickets not seen to wp custom user role

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  • #1219435

    Hi , I have created a wp custom user role as the gym owner to add his/her events and manage all his events.

    But when any attendees sign as RSVP then gym owner can’t see the sign ups from all users ,he can see only his own sign-up ticket .

    Admin can see all the tickets , but I want gym owner can also view all attendees for the events.

    Let me know how to solve this ?



    Hi, Aaron.

    You might be requesting the same thing as one of our existing feature requests:

    Please do add your vote there.

    This allows us to gauge interest in this particular feature request, which helps us prioritize our development efforts.

    If you think neither of these is the same as your issue, please let me know.

    Thank you.


    Hi Cliff,

    This is not my issue.

    My issue is that I have created a custom wp role and assign it capabilities to access the events custom post type , all that working fine .

    What is wrong here : suppose that user role has added an events and any user user as RSVP ,then the custom role who has added the events , can’t see all that attendees who had registered the RSVP .But admin can see all that attendees.


    gym_owner’, ‘Gym Owner’, array(
    ‘level_1’ =>true ,
    ‘level_0’ =>true,
    ‘edit_tribe_events’ => true,
    ‘read’ => true,
    ‘edit_posts’ =>true,
    ‘tribe_events’ =>true,
    ‘edit_tribe_venues’ =>true,
    ‘edit_tribe_organizers’ =>true,
    ‘event-schedule’ =>false,
    ‘upload_files’ =>true,



    Thanks for sharing that.

    At this time, there aren’t any capabilities specific to RSVP, Attendees, Ticket Fieldsets, or Tickets post types.

    If you add ‘edit_pages’ => true, does that get things to work for non-administrators?

    FYI: If you’d like to edit the default capabilities (who can do what) or just to browse through them, you may consider a plugin like User Role Editor (we cannot guarantee its compatibility but it generally considered a reliable plugin).

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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