Event Tickets – Mailing attendees and keeping RSVP information in the browser.

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions Event Tickets – Mailing attendees and keeping RSVP information in the browser.

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  • #1317366
    Ricardo Santos


    I have these 2 questions about the “Event Tickets”.

    Is there a way (with or without the plus version) to mail everybody that is joint the event, before or after the event date? If not, are there any methods that makes it easy to get this list of emails in order to reused it in some other plugin (which deals with mailing lists)?

    2) Using the RSVP,
    is there a way to have the fields already filled up after the user rsvp ‘Yes’.
    I mean:
    1 – user RSVP yes;
    2 – user closes the browser;
    3 – user comes back to the same page, in the same browser and device and see his data already felled up.
    Then, if he wants to cancel his attendance, he just would have to change the “Going” to “not Going”.
    Probably this would require the user to be registered or keeping that information in a cookie.



    Hi Ricardo,

    Thanks so much for your interest in our Event Tickets plugin! I’m happy to answer these questions for you:

    1. Attendee information (including email addresses) is stored for all users who RSVP to your events, and you can access and/or export this data as needed for contacting your attendees. You can read more about working with attendee data on our Knowledgebase here! If you use MailChimp for handling email tasks on your site, you might consider the third-party plugin Event Calendar Newsletter, which provides a number of additional features and integrates nicely with our plugins. (Please note that this plugin is not developed by us, and we cannot provide support for any issues that may occur related to its use.)
    2. If you’ve installed Event Tickets Plus on your site and have configured your plugin settings to only accept RSVPs from logged-in users, you can provide your users with the option to log in and edit their RSVPs at a later date. You can learn more about how to set this up on this Knowledgebase article!

    I hope that helps! Thanks again, and let me know if you should have any other questions! 🙂

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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