Event permalinks not correctly created/implemented in calendar and admin

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  • #874976

    I am having a problem where when I create new events their permalinks are not being created in the correct format. I expect them to be of the form “siteurl/calendar/eventname/eventdate/” (which is where the events are) but the calendar and wordpress admin link to “siteurl/calendar/eventname/” which goes to a 404 page. This occurs for all new single events, but not for recurring events. I am not sure if this is a new problem, or if I just did not notice until now (I have only had events that were recurring until now).

    (of note, the forum asks if I have reverted to the WordPress 2011 theme while the trouble shooting guidelines say to use 2013, which I did)


    Apparently it is working now and I am not sure what the conflict is or was.


    I am glad to see the issue resolved itself.

    You may have some coding in your site that is running flush_rewrite_rules(); on every load that could cause issues, but not every time the site loads. That maybe something to look into if the issue comes back.

    Since the issue is resolved I am going to go ahead and close this ticket. If you have a similar issue or another in the future, please do not hesitate to create a new ticket.


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