Event Page & Email Format Editing

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    I’m eyeing for the Event Ticket Plus. I’m still thinking about it since I’m not sure of the features I will be having for the paid version. I’m new to WordPress and have tried your Event Calendar and Tickets(free). I tested using the booking feature for an event, the email confirmation I get from my website is named ‘WordPress’ how can I change that? Also can I format how the information in the email are arranged?

    Moving on to the Tickets Plus version, I find it really limiting that I am not able to customize (like remove the sidebar and add additional fields when they book/register) in my event pages. Does the Plus version give me control over that? I am using the Divi theme and would like to modify the event pages through the Divi Builder. Nonetheless, other ways of designing the pages will still be helpful. I just hope it is not much work hehe ๐Ÿ™‚

    Also, can I make paid online registration for a particular event? Like they can choose a free ticket or a premium one for a single event. And non-users can register to the event as well?

    Looking forward to your support. Thank you so much!


    Hey there and thanks for getting in touch!

    Weโ€™d be happy to help โ€” but I do want to note that our pre-sales forum is used to answer questions about purchasing our premium plugins.

    In regards to your questions about Event Tickets Plus…

    Does the Plus version give me control over that?

    Not necessarily, however, we do have a themer’s guide that you can use to modify the look and templates. This would take some work though.

    Also, can I make paid online registration for a particular event? Like they can choose a free ticket or a premium one for a single event. And non-users can register to the event as well?

    Yes, you can create multiple types of tickets for the event.

    If youโ€™re looking for technical support, it would be awesome if you could post your first question to our WordPress.org support forum.

    Thanks so much!



    Hi Brendan!

    Thanks for your response. I have another question with this plugin, do you
    charge for every transaction made or not?

    And how about the remittance, will people from different countries/regions
    pay the same amount?

    And lastly, what kind of payment methods are available in registering to

    I hope to get a respond asap ๐Ÿ˜€ thankssss


    Hi there,

    do you charge for every transaction made or not?

    The actual charging would be done by you and whatever e-commerce solution you choose (ie, Woocommerce, Tribecommcerce, Easy Digital Downloads). For example, if you choose PayPal to accept payments, they will charge you fees on every order. You will need to see what their fees are in your situation.

    And how about the remittance, will people from different countries/regions pay the same amount?

    This as well would be handled by the e-commerce solution. Using Paypal is an example, if you set the price in USD, they will charge the purchaser in USD and it will be converted by their bank if its a different currency.

    what kind of payment methods are available for registering to events?

    This again would be handled by the e-commerce solution, however, most people choose PayPal which handles all major credit cards along with PayPal accounts.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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