event not showing up in map

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  • #1538268
    Joseph Rivera

    I just entered a new event that is not showing up our map displayed at the top this page (no red marker in New jersey):

    Here’s the event that’s not showing up. You’ll notice the google map is displaying correctly on the page:

    I’ve had this problem in the past and was able to resolve by entering latitude and longitude coordinates for the venue. I’m not thrilled that I have to do this for every venue but I’ve accepted it as part of the workflow. However, I did enter the coordinates for the venue in question and it’s still not showing up.

    Please advise. Thank you.


    Hi Joseph,

    Thanks for reaching out to us! I’d be happy to help you 🙂

    The way you entered the venue seems to be correct. Do you have a free plan with Google Maps AP? How many requests a day do you get? Your problem might be due to Google Maps API restrictions, that you can unlock by subscribing to a paid plan.


    Joseph Rivera

    Here are the stats for 30 days. It doesn’t look like we come close to the
    limits outlined.

    In any case, I upgraded to a pay as you go account and I still don’t see
    the event.


    Hey Joseph,

    Jeremy is out this week, so I’m jumping in to help.

    I checked your site and the marker showed up for me now. Can you check and confirm?

    Did you do something to make this happen? 🙂 Or it could have been a caching thing.


    Joseph Rivera



    Hi, just wrote you an email to notify you. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Please read my above reply.

    Also, can you please provide me with the details of the Event in New Jersey that is now showing up? What is the address? Can you also share a URL to the event?

    When you go and edit the New Jersey venue and you check the box for longitude / latitude, do you have those fields filled in or are they empty?

    Do you maybe see a notification in your admin area that some venues are missing geolocation data? If yes, please follow that link to fix it.

    Looking forward to picking up the strings.


    Joseph Rivera

    Yes I see it’s showing up too. I’m not sure what did the trick. As I mentioned, I upgraded to a paid plan even though we shouldn’t be coming close to our quotas. I’ll let you know if the problems returns. thx.


    Hi Joseph,

    I’m glad your event is showing up on the map 🙂

    Well, I’m going to close this thread then, but feel free to start a new one if the problem returns or if you have other questions!


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