Event List is not displaying shortcodes correctly

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  • #1393512

    I’ve created a shortcode to call the Event Title since most of our Events have the same description and we just want to update Event meta dynamically.

    function shortcode_eventtitle() {
      return tribe_get_events_title($postID);
    add_shortcode('eventtitle', 'shortcode_eventtitle');

    At first, the shortcode on a list view didn’t appear at all, then I added a filter

    add_filter( 'tribe_events_excerpt_allow_shortcode', '__return_true' );

    which made the shortcode appear, but instead of getting the Event Name, it’s showing the current page name.

    Any ideas to make this work?


    Hey April,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    Could you please replace tribe_get_events_title() with the_title_attribute() and let me know if it helps you to solve the problem?




    Hi Patricia,

    that doesn’t solve it I’m afraid. The output is weird now and shortcode is echoed on a places where it shouldn’t be. Please have a look where it echoes and where it’s placed in the backend.

    Here are the functions I made for shortcode purposes.

    Add eventdate shortcode
    function shortcode_eventdate() {
      return tribe_get_start_date(null, false, 'F j, Y - g:i a');
    add_shortcode('eventdate', 'shortcode_eventdate');
    Add eventvenue shortcode
    function shortcode_eventvenue() {
      return tribe_get_venue( $postID );
    add_shortcode('eventvenue', 'shortcode_eventvenue');
    Add eventtitle shortcode
    function shortcode_eventtitle() {
      return the_title_attribute();
    add_shortcode('eventtitle', 'shortcode_eventtitle');
    Add eventcategory shortcode
    function shortcode_eventcategory() {
      return tribe_get_event_taxonomy(
          get_the_id(), array(
    				'before'       => '',
    				'sep'          => ', ',
    				'after'        => '',
    				'label'        => null, // An appropriate plural/singular label will be provided
    				'label_before' => '<dt>',
    				'label_after'  => '</dt>',
    				'wrap_before'  => '<dd class="tribe-events-event-categories">',
    				'wrap_after'   => '</dd>',
    add_shortcode('eventcategory', 'shortcode_eventcategory');
    Add eventstarttime shortcode
    function shortcode_eventstarttime() {
      return tribe_get_start_date($post, false, $format = 'g:i a' );
    add_shortcode('eventstarttime', 'shortcode_eventstarttime');
    Add eventendtime shortcode
    function shortcode_eventendtime() {
      return tribe_get_end_date($post, false, $format = 'g:i a' );
    add_shortcode('eventendtime', 'shortcode_eventendtime');
    add_filter( 'tribe_events_excerpt_allow_shortcode', '__return_true' );

    Note that I’ve changed the the_title_attribute() per your suggestion. Any other ideas?


    Hi April!

    Oh, this is happening because we didn’t set the title attribute for use in PHP. Please replace:

    return the_title_attribute();


    return the_title_attribute('echo=0');

    You will find more info about the_title_attribute here:


    I’ve tested the shortcode here and everything is working as expected now šŸ™‚

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions at all please feel free to let me know and Iā€™d be happy to help as best I can!




    Worked! Thanks!


    Hi April,

    You are welcome šŸ™‚ I’m glad to hear that everything is working as expected now! If you need an assistance again or have other concerns, please feel free to open up a new thread, we’ll be more than happy to help you!



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