Event list in a div frame

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  • #257684
    Honey Shelton

    We are trying to put a list of upcoming events on our home page. We have accomplished this by using “amr shortcode any widget” to turn the Calendar List View Widget into a shortcode that we then put in a div box with overflow to create the desired effect.
    This works great except for the indentation of the events. For some reason the ‘view more’ button does not align with the events, ideally we want everything to align neatly on the left. Alternatively, we would just delete the view more button (if this would solve the issue) and just create a separate link to our calendar page.
    This is what it looks like:


    Thanks for getting in touch! You should be able to add some left margin to that link in order to give it the space you want. Try doing something like this in your CSS:

    .tribe-events-adv-list-widget .tribe-events-widget-link {

    Give that a try and let me know if it does the trick. Thanks! πŸ™‚



    I just wanted to follow up and see if you’re all set here or if you still have further questions. Just let me know if you have further questions or if I should go ahead and close out this thread. Thanks! πŸ™‚


    Honey Shelton

    This solution worked!


    Great! Thanks for confirming that this got you sorted. Since it looks like you’re all set, I’m going to mark this thread “Answered” and close it out.

    By the way, if you have a minute or two, we would love it if you’d write a few words for us here: http://m.tri.be/lo

    Thanks in advance. πŸ™‚


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