event info repeating multiple times in a single day

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  • #32852
    Chris Denby

    Our calendar was working perfectly until it was recently brought to my attention by the client that events are repeating many times in a single day. It might have happened when we did the most recent update to wordpress, the plugin, or when we moved hosts. I’m not really sure when it happened and I’m not sure how to fix it. http://www.publiccontractinginstitute.com/events/month/


    That’s really strange, particularly if it only just started happening. When you view the list of events “admin side” am I right in thinking you see the correct number (ie, just one per event)?

    Chris Denby

    That’s right, I only see a single post in the admin area, but it’s repeating just on the calendar view and list view. It’s not repeating on my widgets.


    I appreciate you indicated that you tried deactivating all other plugins (and switching to a default theme) – but can I just confirm that that didn’t solve anything?

    What is Events > Settings > Template > Event Template currently set to and does the situation improve if you change this?

    Chris Denby

    I did try deactivating all other plugins (including events calendar pro) and it did not solve the problem. I also reverted to the twentyeleven theme and still had the problem. Additionally, I reinstalled the events calendar plugin and am still getting the issue.

    Events > Settings > Template > Event Template is set to “Default Events Template.” I switched it to Default Page Template and still the problem persists.


    Are you using template overrides (which would mean you have a directory within your theme called events … and if so might that also have been present in the default theme you used)?

    Chris Denby

    Yes, I use template overrides. I did try renaming the “events” folder to turn them off and the issue was still there.


    Hmm. I do notice that this event – which is affected by the problem – has indicators which suggest it might be set up as a recurring event, whereas this event – which seems unaffected by the problem – would appear not to be.

    Do you think there is a link there – and could you share a screenshot of the event date/time settings (from the event editor) for the first of those events I mentioned?

    Chris Denby

    Here is the screenshot from the first event you mentioned (affected by the problem.)

    And the second event you mentioned (not affected.)

    The only difference I can see is that one is a multi-day and the other is not.

    Chris Denby

    Sorry my html didn’t come through. Here are the urls for the screenshots:


    Hmm, ok. Here’s the thing – the “Schedule” text should only show if the event is recurring, at least with the standard templates. If you bear with me I’ll test a few scenarios out based on those screenshots.


    Liz: if you create a new (test) event, does the same problem occur?

    Chris Denby

    No, when I create a new event it doesn’t seem to have the problem. I even tried making it a multi-day event.


    Hmm, well – I suspect something has impacted upon the affected events that wouldn’t normally occur and has, for want of a better expression, “corrupted” them. But that’s just a guess.

    What I’m going to do here is refer this to a member of the dev team and see if they can shed any further light on this/think of a way to fix the existing events.

    Chris Denby

    I think you are right. I just had the idea to try opening an event editor and clicking “update” without making any changes and it removed the duplications for that event. 🙂 If you know of a way to fix them all at once that would be ideal, as editing each one is tedious, but if that’s what we have to do to fix it then we’ll do it.

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