Event favorites

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    I’m new to the Events Calendar and wondering if there is a way for a user to Favorite or Star an event and then have a collection of Favorite Events to review?




    Thanks for using our plugins.

    We do not have a Favorite or Star Event feature.

    If you would like to request that feature please head to our UserVoice Page and add your own or upvote that feature as they will increase the chances of it being added to a future version.




    Thanks Brian. I will indeed wish list it for future dev, but wondering if anyone has encountered a similar need or can suggest a possible workaround.

    Basically we need a way for a user to see a list of selected or favorited events in one location/space/page/cart. I suppose we could try to use the ticketing add-on for the woocommerce cart and somehow disabling the actual purchasing of tickets, but it would be ideal if the cart or collection of events was just based on a user’s session cookie.

    I know there are a few post ‘favoriting’ plugins – like WP Favorite Posts – possibly they would be able to see the Event custom post type and provide that capability. I’m not clear on if the Event posts are available to other plugins assuming they can ‘see’ the Event custom post type.

    Any suggestions or advice would be most appreciated. Thanks all!


    I do not believe the ticketing plugins would work for this at all. You would have to do alot of customnization and that is beyond the support we can provide.

    A favoriting plugin that works with custom post types might work.

    Here is a list of our custom post types and custom fields:



    That’s awesome! Thanks for the list of Custom Post types and fields, Brian. That helps a bunch.

    FYI: the WP Favorites Posts plugin seems to work great and once set to see the “tribe_events” post type, works well to let user favorite an event and the view all favorited events on one page.


    Great glad it helps.

    I am going to close this ticket, but if you need anything else related to this topic or another please post a new topic on the forum and we can help you out.


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