Event Excerpt and Line Height in Photo View

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  • #693993

    Hi folks,

    First of all thanks to your great plugin: I have had it for a while and is a good one.

    I have two quick questions for you and I really appreciate if you can help me. If you go to this address where my default view of the event calendar is: http://www.events.charchub.com/list/ you will notice two things:

    1- The length of the excerpt is a bit too long.
    2- The event summary text is a bit overlapped (maybe because of line height).

    Now, I am aware that WP has a function called get_the_excerpt and I also know that by tweaking line height I can get some improvements, but I appreciate if you guide me a bit more specifically.

    Because for example, when I increase the line height, the events get connected to each other (there is no space between them if I change the current 1 to 1.2 for example). And also I didn’t have luck adding get excerpt change.

    I know this might be asking for a big favor but as I have been a customer for almost a year, I appreciate your support and this can be a shining case study of Modern Tribe as a result 🙂


    Hi – we’d be happy to steer you in the right direction if we can 🙂

    Because for example, when I increase the line height, the events get connected to each other (there is no space between them if I change the current 1 to 1.2 for example). And also I didn’t have luck adding get excerpt change.

    If I simulate adding a custom tribe-events-pro.css file and add a rule like this one:

    .tribe-events-list-photo-description.tribe-events-content.description {
        line-height: 2;

    It works nicely, best I can tell. Can you put your change in place and let me know so I can take a look and see what you’re doing that isn’t meshing?

    (If you’re just experimenting with rules via your browser’s developer tools, incidentally, you may indeed see some unusual effects such as overlap – that may not actually occur when the rule is in place from the moment the page is loaded.)

    Now, I am aware that WP has a function called get_the_excerpt and I also know that by tweaking line height I can get some improvements, but I appreciate if you guide me a bit more specifically.

    There is indeed a hook for just this purpose – excerpt_length – and basic usage would be something like this:

    add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'reduce_excerpt_length', 100 );
    function reduce_excerpt_length() {
    	return 20;

    Does that help?


    … Sorry, forgot to add that custom snippets like that excerpt_length function can be placed within your theme’s functions.php file.


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!

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