Event Entry Title Appearance on Sidebar / Homepage – Event List Widget

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  • #919718

    I am using the Event List Widget on my sidebar.

    Just ran the update and the my event entry titles have changed appearance dramatically on the homepage of my website. http://leftbankleeds.org.uk

    If you have a look at another page on the site they seem to be formatted fine.

    Event Hire

    Please can you advise how and where I can change the font size of the event titles?
    Also I would like to remove the posting date from the entries.




    Sorry for the issues you are having with the styling. We introduced a new look into the List Widget and a bug that did not load the stylesheet. We have a release fix coming hopefully within the week.

    However, I have a snippet you can add to your theme’s function.php to fix the issue right now:


    Add that and see if it helps then let me know about any changes and I maybe to help you get started on those.



    Thanks that looks lovely.

    Once you release the next update will I need to delete this code? Can you advise on the next steps please?


    Yes once you update you can delete the code. It should not cause an error if you forget and leave it though.

    I was asking if you would like to make any minor changes I might be able to help get you started. Otherwise there are no next steps.



    Hi there,

    Thanks for your patience while we looked into this problem. We are working on a secondary maintenance release that addresses this issue. Keep an eye on your site for a new update to version 3.9.1. We’ve tested this release thoroughly and it should resolve the reported issue. However, if you are still running into trouble please start a new thread and we will respond as soon as possible. Thanks again for your patience and support!

    and the team at Modern Tribe


    Since there is has not been any activity on this thread for over 2 weeks so I am now closing it. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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