Event ended a few hours ago, but it's still at the top of my event list?

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Event ended a few hours ago, but it's still at the top of my event list?

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    In fact, the same event is at the top of “Past Events” AND “Upcoming Events”
    I’d like events to ‘expire’, i.e. move from upcoming events to past events, when they hit their end time… is this possible? (seems like that would be the default behaviour).
    (PS – this particular event happens to be redirected to a static page using “Quick Page Post Redirect” plug-in, but I don’t see why this would affect the expiry time.
    Any ideas/suggestions?


    Hi Len, I’m not currently seeing this behaviour – the event at the top of http://thedepanneur.ca/events/past/ is dated Jan 13 and on http://thedepanneur.ca/events/upcoming/ a different event dated Jan 15 is showing first.

    I’d like events to ‘expire’, i.e. move from upcoming events to past events, when they hit their end time… is this possible?

    So they should do that, but there may be factors (such as if you are using a caching plugin) that impact here. Can you let me know if it is still a problem and we can go from there?



    Seems that the event expired (I’m assuming) at midnight, when the date changed. I was hoping I could get it to expire when the event ends, eg. at 2pm, on the day of the event, so that visitors don’t think it is still going on if they check the site later that same day. Thoughts?


    FYI – webmaster says no caching plugin is being used.


    OK, I see what you mean now. Yep so that’s a limitation in the way data is gathered for both the upcoming events list and advanced events widget.

    The good news is this seems to be fixed in 3.0 and that version is hopefully going into beta shortly. So, if you were able to bear with this issue until that point we should be all sorted once it is released.


    How soon is “shortly”? A week? A month?
    Might you be able to point me (ie. my developer) to the code that triggers the expiry in case we need a short-term fix.


    Hi Len, I used a vague term because we can’t commit to a specific date: version 3.0 is just going into beta testing now, how long it stays in that phase depends on what our beta testers find 🙂

    If you need to get a solution in place right now though then there are a few different ways you might approach it.

    The easiest is to check if an event has “expired” within a template override and simply not display it. A side effect of that approach is that it impacts on pagination if you have a large number of events in the upcoming view, so that’s something to bear in mind and discuss with your developer.

    A better approach could be to change the query parameters – to make it more specific – in which case you/your developer would want a good understanding of WP queries in general and you’d probably want to make use of relevant filters – if your developer can take a peak at the TribeEventsQuery class he’ll get a good sense for what’s happening and what he can tweak.

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