Event Cost field has gone

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    I am still building my site – but someone has already used the front end event submission – GREAT!
    However, I have no way of editing the cost field – it just isn’t there when I edit the event.
    I know I saw it at one point, but where has it gone?
    The event was for a south africa so they had changed the default £ to R and I see neither on the live event.


    Hey Cliffy,

    Sorry about your trouble here – to be clear, when you mention not being able to edit the Cost field, do you mean for an even in the wp-admin Admin area of your site? Here’s a screenshot of what this looks like, for example, just to be 100% certain we’re talking about the same thing: https://cloudup.com/cV6AJ3XjoT9

    If this is what you mean, then I’m curious – do you have your Eventbrite Tickets add-on activated on your site? If so, this will “override” the default Cost field by design and hide it. Here’s a screenshot of the same field above when Eventbrite Tickets is active → https://cloudup.com/c3b_eAwUKO7

    — George


    Hi George,
    Thanks for the reply. Your description above is completely accurate. Yes, I have Eventbrite tickets plugin installed and activated.
    However, I purchased this because in my community, many people will post events to eventbrite – I thought by purchasing the plugin I would be able to import the events from their site.
    I did not expect the scenario above, where an event is submitted via the community add form and then nobody (including admin) can edit the cost field.
    The event in question was submitted and published. It showed the cost field (until it seems I edited it and updated it) – just looked at it again to take a screenshot and the cost no longer shows.

    Has this issue not ever come up before?


    While I’m glad that I was accurate in perceiving what you meant here, I’m really sorry about your frustrations with using these plugins in sync, and think maybe some of our language across the products sites might not be as clear as it could be.

    Community Events does not integrate with Eventbrite Tickets – or any ticketing add-on – at this time. So, events submitted from the Community “add event” form aren’t in sync with, or able to import any data from, Eventbrite.

    The functionality of these plugins is quite separate, and while we can probably do better at clarifying the role of the “Cost” field, yes, the issue is known here at Tribe and because of technical limitations in the plugins right now this behavior is actually expected – in other words, if you have Eventbrite Tickets active, then the “event cost” field will not show.

    However, as I mentioned Community Events doesn’t sync with the Eventbrite Tickets add-on, so events submitted through its form don’t “know” that Eventbrite Tickets is active and that the Cost field won’t display. So their “Cost” field does display upon submission – until, as you noted, you come along and save the event which causes it to “refresh” in the admin of the site, where the presence of Eventbrite Tickets is then realized and the code goes “Oh, Eventbrite Tickets is here, don’t show this field now”.

    Does that all make sense?

    I mean – the functionality itself might seem confusing, but at least comprehensible right now. Basically, Eventbrite Tickets or any ticketing add-on will forcefully override the Event Cost field wherever it can.

    We’re working very actively on better integration with Community Events and our Ticketing framework – it’s a very highly requested thing, so you’re not alone!

    I don’t know if all this information helps much – let me know if it does. And let me know if you have any more followup questions here, any other issues on your site, comments about all this, etc.

    Thanks Cliffy,


    Hi George,

    Thanks for the explanation though it does sound a bit contradictory. If the plugins are “separate” and they do not “integrate”, you explanation is a long winded way of saying “Yes there is bug” 🙂

    I accept these things and as long as I know what to expect it helps understand what my users can expect – however I am finding inconsistency with this.

    I submitted an event via a test user. Repeats 4 times each month. I still see the cost for the First event but not the other 3. They are all still linked because I can turn on/off the show repeat. However, when on the event with the cost showing and I click the Show All, I only get the 3 events without the cost.

    Strange things are going on.

    I will reply in PM with more details for you before heading off to bed.


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    This reply is private.


    Hi Cliffy,

    Thanks for the notes here. Your feedback is meaningful and we are aware of some confusion around the Event Cost field with some users. I’d disagree with your assessment that my explanation was a long way of saying it’s a bug, because this feature is tricky to work around – all of our add-ons integrate with each other and the Core plugin in some sense, of course, but what I mean about the Cost field integration specifically is that usually people use it to display, well, the cost of the event. Most often that’s in the form of a ticket, which they might charge for at the door or something. So from our perspective, when someone then buys a ticketing add-on, having two places to enter the cost of an event doesn’t make much sense – especially the “Cost” field itself, since it doesn’t actually do anything while the other, the Ticketing price fields, both display the price like the Cost field and then also do something (provide ticketing check-out functionality, etc.).

    This isn’t to belittle your input, and as mentioned, you’re not the only user who’s ever found some confusion/frustration with this. I’m sorry that at this time, this is how the plugin handles that Cost field, but please do believe me when I tell you that we’ve had discussions about this field in the past and are trying to come up with a better solution than the current one. We want to satisfy users who just want the Ticketing price fields, and not confuse them by having two cost fields that do different things, without denying other users who might want both fields the possibility of using them.

    This feature struggle may appear a bit buggy in the specific context of Community Events, but with that, we again figured that, since tickets cannot be submitted from the front-end at this time, then at least a Cost could be…then, if the admin wants to make tickets on the event, they’ll see the user’s submitted Cost and then can just add Tickets that will overwrite it upon publish.

    So, a little complicated: yes. A bug: no. Something we don’t care about: no. It’s on our radar and I hope you stay tuned to our plugin updates over time as we refine this, and as we introduce Tickets functionality to Community Events which is hopefully coming within the year.


    Okay, so as for your issues that are still remaining, I actually didn’t see the Cost even on that first event you linked to. Here’s a screenshot of what I saw → https://cloudup.com/cWk_KapOU97

    That seems to be because of what you wrote here, obviously:

    I have just changed the Settings Made the date without year D F j and that has caused the cost field to go from the one event in question above

    1. But can you clarify exactly what you mean by this? When you say, “changed the Settings”, are you talking about The Events Calendar settings specifically? Your WordPress general settings? Did you end up then saving or updating this specific event at all?

    2. Next: was this test-event, including its Cost value, submitted from the Community Events submission form?

    3. Finally, for now: was/is your Eventbrite Tickets add-on or any other ticketing add-on active at any time during this testing?

    Thank you,


    Thanks for the complete explanation George. I accept your explanation and I do get it. I’ve spent many years around software developers. However, I would still argue that either by design or by fault – the functionality does not work as presented. My users are presented with a cost field – they fill it in. And when they can’t see it I have to tell them, “Oh yeah you don’t get to see it because I have a switch in my admin panel for something else that turns it off” ? – I’m sure you see where I am coming from. Should I ask for a refund of the Eventbrite plugin or is it worth having just to import the odd event … I will stick with it for now and see how it goes. Please don’t get me wrong here, I am loving your products and the support!

    To confirm the scenario above. I created a repeat event with my Community Test User (i.e. one that had gone through the TEC registration process, not an existing WP user)- and therefore the Community Events Submission form. (I have not allowed anonymous event posts).

    On creating the event, I entered a cost £500

    I received my email to say an event had been submitted and as Administrator of the site, I approved the event.

    The first of the repeat events showed the cost, the others didn’t.

    Yes, it was the TEC settings (date display) that I changed prior the cost not showing.

    Yes, the eventbrite plugin has been live since installing it.

    I hope this helps.

    I have been further developing the site today, and the event has now been removed.

    Given the context of how you describe it working, I don’t think it’s a big deal and I think I have just thought of a solution… At the moment, because of my theme (Enfold), the Eventbrite ticket section is really squashed and not very usable so I plan to just import those events and untick the link to eventbrite (yeah I know, $89 to save cut n paste perhaps)

    So, what if I were able to hide the cost field from the Community Events form and add a custom field called Cost ?
    If you think this is a good idea, what would be the CSS to hide the cost field?

    Sorry for the long reply,
    Again, many thanks to all the support team, they have been great this week as I get to grips with the products.


    However, I would still argue that either by design or by fault – the functionality does not work as presented. My users are presented with a cost field – they fill it in. And when they can’t see it I have to tell them, “Oh yeah you don’t get to see it because I have a switch in my admin panel for something else that turns it off” ? – I’m sure you see where I am coming from.

    I do indeed see where you’re coming from much more clearly now, Cliffy, please forgive my delay in thinking about this from your user’s needs specifically!

    Should I ask for a refund of the Eventbrite plugin or is it worth having just to import the odd event … I will stick with it for now and see how it goes. Please don’t get me wrong here, I am loving your products and the support!

    Thank you for the kind words! Just to let you know, it’s hard for us to issue refunds after 30 days depending on your payment process – not a choice by us, just after a certain amount of time it’s hard to issue the funds back to customer accounts.

    So keep us posted, for sure! If a refund does unfortunately become the most appealing solution for you here, well, I’ll be sorry to hear it but happy to make this right and issue a refund immediately. We are aiming to improve the handling of this Cost field, but there’s no set timeline as of now for when such improvements arise and it could take months.

    So, what if I were able to hide the cost field from the Community Events form and add a custom field called Cost ?
    If you think this is a good idea, what would be the CSS to hide the cost field?

    This could be a good idea depending how adept you are with custom fields 🙂 Hiding the default cost field can be done with CSS like this:

    #event_cost.tribe-events-community-details {
    display: none !important;




    Can you take a look at this event: http://recoveryplaces.org/event/since-right-now-addiction-recovery-podcast-recording/2015-08-05/

    It shows a $0.00 cost but more importantly it shows ALL in the picture view and I can not untick the “Show only the first upcoming instance of recurring events” box.



    Hey Cliffy,

    I checked out that event but did not find a $0.00 cost or “ALL in the picture view”. Can you elaborate on what your issues are, exactly? Include screenshots if possible – I’m sorry if I’m missing something obvious here.

    I checked out the main /events/ page and indeed found an issue with the inability to check or uncheck the “Show only the first instance of recurring events” checkbox. I think this is because of your theme, as there is a JavaScript error coming from your theme’s “Avia.js” file that is cutting off further DOM js it seems.



    Hi George,
    Thanks for the reply. My explanation was not very good. The cost field was still showing and it does seem a bit random as to when it disappears, but it does so at some point of editing through Admin.
    Of course the main issue is the Repeat Event showing all of the events in the Picture view, which is what I meant by “All in the picture view”.

    What information do I need to provide to the theme developer? Kriesi – Enfold

    (I have ticked the “Show only the first instance of each recurring event (only affects list-style views)” option to not show recurring events) for now.


    Hey Cliffy,

    Thank you for your continued patience this. Just to be 100% certain, when you write this:

    (I have ticked the “Show only the first instance of each recurring event (only affects list-style views)” option to not show recurring events) for now.

    Do you mean checking that option HAS worked for you thus far, and DOES help ensure that the Photo View doesn’t display all the instances of a recurring event?

    Just want to be certain I understand the state of things – thank you for your patience with these sort of “clarification” questions, I know they can be tedious but want to be as certain as possible that I’m addressing the right issues.

    As for providing information to the theme developer, Kriesi is a long-standing theme author who, from what I hear, has pretty decent support, so you might be fine by simply explaining how that checkbox normally shows fine and is clickable and such, but when their theme is active, it’s not clickable.

    I didn’t find a specific JavaScript error or something like that to send along, which I’m sorry about, but hopefully they can take that information from there and test things out on their own to see what’s going on.

    Thank you!


    Hi George, I can confirm the above HAS worked yes. The end user does NOT see repeat events in the Picture View (my default view) – so from that end, I am happy with this.

    However … How do I show this to Kriesi support ?

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