Event connection to EventBrite is lost, unable to re-establish

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  • #1085096
    Dr. Dawn Liu

    I have been using the EventBrite plugin for a while and it has mostly worked fine. I have an event that is published on EventBrite and imported to the Event Calendar Pro and it has been fine for a few days.

    But today after updating the page for a couple of times, the connection to the eventbrite is lost!!! I tried to re-import the event with the EventBrite ID, it will not import again, and I don’t have any way to re-connect my event on Event Pro to what is on the EventBrite. It seems like the only other way to do it is to re-publish the event onto EventBrite (in the Event edit view), but wouldn’t that create a whole new event on its own?

    I have already had ticket sales under the current EventBrite ID, so I am unwilling to start a new EventBrite event all over. Please help me! Losing business without the connection, since our leads have been sent to our Event Pro page to RSVP. Please help!!!! Thank you!

    Dr. Dawn Liu

    When I tried to import the event again, it went through, and the message became “the event has already been imported”, and sure enough, the EventBrite link is back! Not sure what happened, but glad it is done!


    Phew! Sounds like there was a bad connection with the Eventbrite API but I’m so glad things seem to be working smoothly now. 🙂

    Let us know if anything else pops up and we’d be happy to help.


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