Event Category displays a blank page rather than listing passed events

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  • #79087
    Ryan Sedgwick

    OK, so after the hassle with the previous update flooding Google Webmaster Tools with 404s not found, this morning I updated my Events Calendar Pro to the latest version. I have now found that if I click on my event categories to display any posts associated to that category, I get:
    1. A list of upcoming events associated to the category (this works as it should)
    but, for those with no upcoming events and just passed events, I get a blank page. In fact, the page shows the website menu and that’s it – no footer or previous events. http://www.advantage.co.uk/events/category/charity-finance-accounting/

    Here’s a category with upcoming events: http://www.advantage.co.uk/events/category/microsoft-dynamics-gp/

    Please advise.


    Hi Ryan,

    Apologies for the inconvenience: there definitely is a problem here and we aim to fix it in the upcoming maintenance release. In the meantime, you can workaround this by:

    • Locating the-events-calendar/lib/tribe-template-factory.class.php
    • Replace the code in that file completely, substituting this code instead

    That should get things operational again (and when the next update arrives it will incorporate pretty much the same fix, so you need not worry about it being lost upon updating).

    Again please accept our sincere apologies for the disruption.

    Ryan Sedgwick

    Thanks Barry, but that didn’t work. It’s still the same: http://www.advantage.co.uk/events/category/charity-finance-accounting/ I’ve located the file in the hosting panel, replaced the entire code in that file with the code provided and saved it. It does’nt seem to have made any difference.


    OK, in that case perhaps the problem is a different one in your case.

    Can you either inspect the server error logs for any relevant entries (though there may be a time difference, you should be able to tally up the date and time that you visit an empty category page and see this problem with a corresponding entry in the log) or edit wp-config.php and change:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );


    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

    Then replicate the problem again and let me know if you see any pertinent messages (you may very well see quite a plethora of warnings and notices, we’re most likely to be interested in any marked as Fatal Errors).


    Ryan Sedgwick

    Thanks Barry, here’s the fata error:

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/sites/advantage.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/tribe-template-factory.class.php on line 265


    Hmm, can you try replacing the same file as before, but with this version of the code? I do see a difference in terms of whitespace that might cause the code to be interpreted differently by different runtimes – but otherwise it should do the same thing (and resolve this error).

    If it doesn’t resolve this then I would wonder if you have some form of (opcode) caching in place on your server that isn’t invalidating quickly enough.

    Ryan Sedgwick

    Barry, I’ve updated the file and had to revert back to the previous code. After I saved the file and checked the website, the entire website was one blank white page – no header, footer or menus.


    OK. I suspect somewhere along the line an error is being introduced (perhaps you are passing the code through something other than a text editor, are including line numbers or are appending it / not completely erasing the previous code?) but the same fix certainly seem to work without issue locally – and has done for other users, too. Unfortunately I’m not sure we can help much further in guiding you through patching this – but do know that this will in any case be resolved in the very next maintenance release.

    As I don’t think we can offer much more here I will close this thread, but of course if there is anything else we can help with please do create new threads as needed.


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