Event Calender Pro Widget

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    I’ve noticed recently that the calendar widget does not appear to functioning correctly with the loading icon continually displayed next to the months (above the list of days).

    I’m not a 100% certain but this appears to have started occurring since the upgrade to WordPress 3.4. Any suggestions as to what may be causing this issue?

    http://www.9810rotary.org.au/ is a sample of this problem.




    Hi Alex,

    For some reason you are missing a stylesheet that should be included in the plugin. Are you running 2.0.7 for both of our plugins? Make sure you update both if not.

    If you’ve made any customizations, either core or by placing files in an ‘events’ folder in your theme, you’ll want to ensure that those templates are using the latest code by comparing with the base versions of those files. I.e. if you edited /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/views/table-mini.php by placing a copy in an ‘events’ folder, you’ll need to compare your modified version with the updated version in the latest copy of the plugin.

    I hope that helps!

    – Jonah


    I have been struggling with the same problem for some time, and just found the solution:

    Its somewhat strange, but for some reason the “the events calendar pro”-plugin turned out to actually be 2.0.3, even though I have made sure to update, and it has not shown any updates needed. Also – its too late to check now, but I could swear it reported as 2.0.7 in the list in wp-admin -> plugins. Only found out since I uploaded the plugin to a seperate testsite, and started looking at what files were included, then I suddenly noticed that several files were missing from the resources-folder in the pro-plugin on my troublesome site, then I checked the events-calendar-pro.php and found out it actually was 2.0.3. But – if it really was 2.0.3 – should the ajax-ified widget even have turned up? Shouldnt I just have gotten the older non-ajax-version of the widget? I thought it wasnt using ajax until 2.0.7?

    I had to update “manually” by removing the plugin and uploading the plugin again.

    One thing I noticed that maybe could be useful – earlier the (pro) plugin-folder was called “the-events-calendar-pro”, or something like that. Now it is called “events-calendar-pro”, without “the” in front. Could the update-process have been messed up by that?


    Hi Torstein,

    Sounds like some installation problems… It could very well have to do with the fact that the folder name changed in a more recent version. What I would suggest is to manually install 2.0.7 and ensure that all the plugin files get copied over.

    Let me know if you have any other troubles with this.




    Thanks for the prompt responses, seems like an older version of the Pro plugin was installed and wasn’t being updated. All fixed!



    Awesome Alex, glad to hear. Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with!

    – Jonah

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