Event Calendar Pro DB Error

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    Correction per above – where “EX Pro” I meant “EC Pro” as in Event Calendar.


    One last tidbit, which might already be assumed – the errors are only generated in two cases:

    1. When the Event Calendar pages / features are accessed by a site visitor

    2. When the Even Calendar controls are accessed in the admin Dashboard

    No errors are generated when visitors or admins access the NextGEN plugin controls or pages with galleries.


    For Barry – you mentioned in a previous reply “we are still waiting for more information to come in since we haven’t been able to replicate it”

    I can tell you how to replicate it if you have the means. Here’s what you’d need for a test bed:

    Server Environment – RHEL 5 64bit, cPanel 11.38.2.x, PHP 5.4.x, mySQL 5.5x, suPHP

    Software – WP 3.6x, EC 3x, NGG 2x

    This would be a “current” or “modern” updated environment. As for hosts running deprecated versions of any of the above, I can’t say. I keep my servers current (but not bleeding-edge or beta).


    Hi David, thanks for digging in to this.

    It seems you’ve already effectively narrowed this problem down to NextGen which we already knew was the cause of other conflicts, though the common thread in all cases is that it is filtering and modifying – and in this case breaking – database queries that it itself is not issuing.

    When another plugin does that it’s very hard for us to write code to counter it and really it would be wrong for us to try and clean up after third party code.

    For that reason, as it stands, I’m afraid there is little we can do to help with this. NextGen for the time being is firmly on the incompatible plugins list.


    That is understandable, but also unfortunate. Hopefully in two years it won’t be EC that is the bad boy like NGG is now after so many years of their plugin being reliable. This situation does leave me in a quandary and re-thinking whether I should spend the $250 on a license for something that is (at no fault of yours) not compatible with one of the most widely used plugins in WordPress history. I truly understand and appreciate your situation, as hopefully you do mine. I really don’t want to resort to a crappy free calendar, but I’ve tested a couple that don’t argue with NGG and I’m now caught in the middle of a decision that nobody would ever want to make 🙁


    PS – just a side thought / realization – as a host I’m growing concerned about growing number of “developers” who tell their customers that they’re using “third-party” software, when in fact that is exactly what they are as well, but moreover it’s disconcerting to see the growing number of developers that tell every user with a problem to change / blame their host. Thankfully Tribe hasn’t done that latter part, as far as I can tell, and I hope you never do. I love the quality of your products and I am in no way saying anything negative about you, I guess I’m just expressing my utter disgust of having to be the web host who wastes time for no pay to explain to customers why their 10+ plugins don’t get along. In the end us hosts almost always get blamed. It’s ridiculous the number of developers who won’t take responsibility for their either A) crappy outdated code or B) their lack of continuity and harmony with the popular plugin community. Please don’t think that I’m slagging anything toward Tribe products – clearly you guys are quality stuff. I’m just seriously having to consider telling hosting clients that “all third-party plugins are not supported” over these kinds of situations, and that’s something no hosting customer wants to hear. Kind of a bummer for all of us I guess.


    Hi David,

    We do appreciate that puts you in a bit of a quandry, ultimately of course you are going to have to do what ever is best for you – at this point in time I don’t think we are going to spend a great deal of time on workarounds for NextGen since, from our standpoint, the issue lies with their code.

    We also appreciate your opinion on operating within the WordPress ecosphere which can indeed present varied and unique challenges when integrating many and varied technologies from different vendors. From Modern Tribe’s perspective, all we can really do is strive to be as fair as possible in dealing with customers and fellow development shops/service providers.

    Since the current incompatible status of NextGen sits at the crux of this thread and, unfortunately, we are unable to do a great deal about that I will now go ahead and close this thread.

    Of course if you have any other issues please feel free to create new threads as required.

    Thanks again!

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