Event Calendar page is titled "Archive"

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  • #1065495

    The main page of our Event Calendar is called “Events Archive”. Why is it called Archive and how do I change this?



    The page also shows the .archive h1 title at the top of the page, which causes a huge gap above the filter. Can this be removed?


    Hi @Bart,

    For your first issue, I’m curious – do you happen to have Yoast SEO installed on your site?

    If so, I would recommend the first code snippet that Brian shares in this other thread about this → https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/events-page-title-and-section-title-incorrect/

    Add that code to your theme’s functions.php file and see if it helps at all.

    Next, for your second issue – I did not see the h1 you are referring to specifically, but did see an empty h1 tag so I assume it’s the same thing. To remove this, try adding the following CSS to the bottom of your theme’s style.css file:

    body.post-type-archive-tribe_events .page .post-wrap h1 {
    display: none !important;

    I hope this helps!


    Hi, We do indeed have the Yoast plugin installed. I did try disabling it before, but must have missed the link.

    So both issues are fixed. Thanks for the great support!


    Hey @Bart,

    Thanks for this update. In the future, you should be able to use Yoast SEO without issue; I appreciate your patience with us in the meantime, while we work on better compatibility with that plugin.

    Thank you!

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