Event Aggregator Issues

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  • #1333128
    bruce williams

    I have purchased an Event Aggregator license to explore possibly using it for one of my client’s sites. While the importing seems to be functioning adequately, but there are some limitations of the plugin that prevent EA from being a good fit for our needs. We would be importing events from 3rd party calendars for display on our website and were expecting to have the imported events shown with a prominent button/link pointing to the site of origin for “more information” or to “buy tickets”. However, this seems to not be the case.

    We would like to be able to do the following with EA:

    1. ability to prepend/append text to the name of the event on a per feed basis. We would use this to prepend the name of organization sponsoring the event to differentiate it from our own events (e.g., “Some Other Organization–Event Title”)
    2. ability to prepend/append text to the description of the event on a per feed or even global basis. We would use this to include a disclaimer saying the event was being hosted by a 3rd party and that our organization was not responsible for the event.
    3. ability to have a prominent button appear at the bottom of the event listing which linked to the event on the original website. Right now, the “Event Website” gets included in the standard event details panel and is not anywhere near prominent enough.
    4. ability to assign more than one category to an import feed.

    If Events Calendar could use an event template on a per category basis, we could work around the 2nd and 3rd issues. I don’t believe this is a feature of The Events Calendar or Events Calendar PRO though.

    Thanks for the assistance!


    Hey Bruce,

    Thanks for posting, & Iā€™m happy to help. šŸ™‚

    Unfortunately, these kinds of requests require some customization that is outside of the scope of the support we provide on these forums. These forums are intended to troubleshoot issues and field bug reports with our plugins as configured with the latest version of WordPress, WordPress default themes, and our suite of plugins with their out of the box features.

    However, we do have some resources for guidance in making changes to the plugins yourself here. If you need to find someone to help with these customizations, we also have some tips for finding said help here.

    Hope this helps, and thanks for understanding!


    Shelby šŸ™‚

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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