Event Aggregator

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  • #1320217
    Andi Kahclamat

    We are getting the following message. I downloaded the plugin from out account? Please update the plugin or let us know what is going on.

    It looks like you’re using Event Aggregator, but the license key is invalid. Please download the latest version from your account.

    You can always check the status of your licenses by logging in to your account on theeventscalendar.com.


    Hello Andi,

    Thank you for using our plugins and welcome to the forum! I’m happy to help you out here.

    In your account I see you have purchased our The Events Calendar: Community Events plugin. This plugin will allow visitors to your site to submit events to your calendar. However, this will not allow you to use Event Aggregator.

    If you would like to use Event Aggregator for importing events from other calendars and sites like Facebook, Google Calendar etc. you will need to purchase an Event Aggregator license. You can do that easily on the Event Aggregator product page.

    If you don’t want to use Event Aggregator at all, then you have the option to totally switch it off under the Events > Settings > Imports tab.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.


    Andi Kahclamat

    How come this happened?

    1 I downloaded the community events plugin 1.7mb Version: 4.5.2
    2. We installed it.
    3. Received a message “To begin using The Events Calendar: Community Events, please install the latest version of The Events Calendar.”
    4. We do not have ftp so I have to follow the link to the latest plugin.
    5. I download it.
    6. This plugin is not the same plugin, it is called The Events Calendar and is 23mb Version: 4.5.8

    Why is the initial plugin 1.7mb and the other is 23mb?
    Why can I not download the updated community events from your site where I purchased it from and only have the files I need instead of the huge files?


    Hi Andi,

    This is quite normal.

    In order for The Events Calendar: Community Events is a premium extension to The Events Calendar. For it to work you also need The Events Calendar as well, which contains the core functionality.

    The Events Calendar is available for free from the wordpress.org repository. Or a simpler way to install it would be going to your Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. Then search for “The Events Calendar”, it should come up as the first result. Then simply hit install, and then activate.

    Once you have both The Events Calendar and Community Events activated you should be set.

    Does this clarify? Let me know if you need further help.


    Andi Kahclamat

    So I need to have both plugins installed?


    Yes, you do.

    Community Events is dependent on The Events Calendar, it is an extension to that. Without it it will simply not work.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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