Enqueuing css files

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    We are trying to use this code display search bar on a separate page. Is this enqueuing method for a non-pro events plugin? If so, could you please suggest the method for the pro version? Right now the css and the js are not being pulled to the bar when displayed on a separate page that we created. It just displayed a non-styled bar on the page.

    Thank you!


    Hi there,

    Are you asking about the default search bar that shows above the main calendar view? This is present in the free version, and the styles and scripts are integrated into the main plugin resources.

    This sounds like it may be a bit beyond the type of support we can provide here in the forums for customization.

    You can check out the source code on Github, and do a search for “enqueue_script” and “enqueue_style” to see which files are being enqueued.

    Hope that helps!



    Not a question on how to enque but how to correctly pull the scripts from the pro plugin. It seems like the code you suggested is applicable to the free version. This shouldn’t be beyond support since you have the code here at https://gist.github.com/geoffgraham/510e158ae56a77ed9e76. The enqueuing files are not pointing to the correct tribe pro directory.


    Hi again,

    I apologize, but I’m really not clear on what you’re asking.

    Can you explain in more detail what you mean by “pull scripts from the pro plugin?”

    Which script are you looking for? And by “pull” do you mean load on the front end?

    As to the link you have provided, I’m not sure what that is. Is that the code you are trying to get working?



    Thanks again Sky.

    For instance, this line from your github: wp_enqueue_style("tribe.homepage",WP_PLUGIN_URL."/the-events-calendar/resources/tribe-events-full.css");

    When I used this in my functions.php the css does not apply to the bar.php in my theme custom page template. Hence, I assumed this code does not apply to the pro plugin because the folder is not the same as the pro plugin folder. Therefore, I am asking how you would write this enqueue style for the pro plugin bar.php code in my custom template



    Thank you for the clarification. The github gist you are referencing is a few years old and may not be accurate anymore. It looks like someone came up with a solution for what you’re trying to do back then, but I’m not aware of anything like that which is current.

    You can track down the individual files by looking in the plugin folders.

    For example, the file in your example now lives in /the-events-calendar/src/resources/css/tribe-events-full.css.

    I’m still not sure what you mean about pro vs non pro. The search bar is part of the free plugin, and so the js and css files are included in there, even when the pro plugin is active.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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