email.php behaves differently when called from woocommerce directly

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus email.php behaves differently when called from woocommerce directly

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  • #895434

    I am stumped. I have file functions in my email.php. These work fine in the “normal” flow for ticket ordering via TEC. But when called from within woocommerce (eg manual order or if orders need to be manually set to “Complete”), then no file open functions can open files. What could be different between the 2 flows?


    Sounds odd.

    Can you share your code in case that provides any insights (via Pastebin or Gist, ideally, rather than by posting it directly in the forum)?


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!

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