Email customizations

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  • #800951

    Two questions:
    1. We don’t use tickets. I have been able to turn off the ticket email, but am unable to find where to disable the “Print Ticket” link that shows up as part of the download_list tag in the template. Suggestions?
    2. Where can I customize the purchase notification template for events? We have Event Calendar Pro using EDD Tickets and while we do sell downloads also, we need to have different versions between events and downloads. I am not sure which plugin is actually controlling this template so am looking to identify what the name of the script is, and where my version should be located to be found.


    Hi tuberb,

    We’ll be happy to help as quickly as we can, but first of all can you confirm that you still have an active license for EDD Tickets? Might you have purchased it using a different user account than the one you signed in with to create this topic?

    Thanks for clarifying!


    This reply is private.


    OK, thanks for clarifying 🙂

    We would ask that, next time, you login with the correct user account (and if you’ve lost the password, remember there is a password reset facility) – but let’s not worry about it this time round.

    Please also remember that we like to stick to one issue or question per thread so, in the future, it would also be much appreciated if you could break up questions like this into separate threads 🙂

    1. We don’t use tickets. I have been able to turn off the ticket email, but am unable to find where to disable the “Print Ticket” link that shows up as part of the download_list tag in the template. Suggestions?

    Some code like this – which you might add to your theme’s functions.php file – ought to do the trick:

    add_action( 'init', 'eddtix_remove_print_tickets_link', 100 );
    function eddtix_remove_print_tickets_link() {
    	if ( ! class_exists( 'TribeEDDTickets' ) ) return;
    	$callback = array( TribeEDDTickets::get_instance(), 'ticket_downloads' );
    	remove_filter( 'edd_download_files', $callback, 10, 2 );

    2. Where can I customize the purchase notification template for events? We have Event Calendar Pro using EDD Tickets and while we do sell downloads also, we need to have different versions between events and downloads. I am not sure which plugin is actually controlling this template so am looking to identify what the name of the script is, and where my version should be located to be found.

    So do you mean the purchase receipt?

    This can be customized via Downloads > Settings > Emails or perhaps you can override things at template level (the actual template is in the EDD plugin directory: templates/emails/body.php) – it could be worth checking in the EDD crew to determine the best way to proceed with this one.

    Definitely an interesting idea, but as a customization it is a little more involved than something we can guide you through here on the support forum.

    I hope that helps and good luck with the customizations 🙂


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!

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