Display partipants list in a page or post

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  • #948862

    How is it possible to display participant list of an event to offer visibility to users and not only to the admin of the site ?

    In an event page ? in on other page or post ?

    We would to ensure that only a registred participant to an event could see the list of all participants registred to the same event.


    Hello Christine, and welcome to the forums. 🙂

    Great question but unfortunately, it’s not currently possible to display an event’s attendee list on the front end in a page or post. If that’s something you would like us to consider and look into, I’d suggest posting the idea to our UserVoice forum, which is where we track new feature requests.

    Does this help answer your question? Please let me know.


    P.S. It looks like you may have asked the same question in another thread. I’m going to go ahead and close that one out. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Geoff.

    Hi Christine–just a quick update that I was able to find a snippet that could help you. This will prodice a shortcode you can use to display attendees in any given page or post.

    Please note that this is untested and meant to give you a starting point to work with. You may need to tweak it up a bit to fit your specific needs, but should give you a good head start. 🙂




    Hi there! This thread’s been quiet for the last couple of weeks, so I’m going to go ahead and close it. Please feel free to hit us up with a new thread if any other questions pop up and we’d be happy to help out over there. 🙂


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