Display only first day or show end date

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    These events are a series that recur, but really only for the people who attend the first class. So, I have a class that’s a 6-week series but when someone clicks into it, they actually have to click series to figure out the end date.

    I tried setting up the event with a start date and end date being the last day of the 6 week series, which on the actual event is nice because it shows an end date, but that puts the event on the calendar every single day, which is obviously not going to work. You can see that here with test event. http://tdh.404cloud.com/calendar/

    Is there some setting so that only the first day of an event displays on the calendar? Or any other suggestion to accomplish this?

    I guess I’m confused and hoping there’s a way to address this somehow or I’m not going to be able to use this product.


    Hi Carrie.

    I can probably provide you a CSS snippet for you if you provide me an annotated screenshot showing what you want hidden and the link where this event can be viewed at.


    Essentially hiding the dates after the start date of an event in the calendar view. Screenshot attached.
    Link: http://tdh.404cloud.com/calendar/2016-10/


    Here’s some CSS specific to that event:

    body.post-type-archive-tribe_events .post-554:not(:first-child) {
    display: none;

    If you want this to work for ALL events that span multiple days, you’d need to pull that part off yourself, but you can use this CSS as a starting point.

    If you need some coding help, you may want to ask your developer or reference our documentation and list of known customizers.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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